
Sunday, February 18, 2018

On The Road Again

Hello Everyone,
I finished another Eagle's Nest block yesterday.  I have several more cut out and ready to be sewn together.  This is a 6" block.  Just in case you were wondering, the flying geese finish at 3/4" x 1 1/2".  They are tiny but mighty when they are grouped together.  I use a Bloc Loc ruler for trimming.  In my opinion, it's the only way to go. 

If you click at the Virtual Classroom page at the top of my blog, you can find my tutorial for Flying Geese four-at-a-time.

Today I'm packing up the quilts and preparing for my lecture and workshop at the Ridge Quilters Guild in Paradise, hometown where I spent the first 20 years of my life.

Paradise is located in the foothills about 100 miles north of Sacramento.  It had a population of around 4,400 when we moved there in the early 1950's from the San Francisco Bay Area.  You knew just about everyone in town and we couldn't get away with anything! 

This is back in the day when you got S&H Green Stamps after you filled up your tank of gas back when gas was .25 cents per gallon.  Gail and I got to lick the stamps and put them in the book.  I can still taste them to this day.
Living in such a small community aided in the development of our active imaginations.  We had a hat for every occasion.  I guess on this day we were traveling the high seas.  I'm wearing our Dad's sailor hat from WWII.  Gail was the captain of our ship.

We put a million miles on our saw horses and galloped around the country saving the world from bad guys.  I still have my cap gun that has shot thousands of rounds of caps.  We watched Fury on Saturday morning and of course Roy Rogers & Dale Evans. We soon progressed to an air rifle, then learned how to shoot trap as teenagers. I never shot Gail's eye out, but once she chased me with a pitchfork!  Now that's a weapon of mass destruction and it's a good thing she didn't catch up with me.

We were free-range kids with definite leanings to tomboys.  We had the run of 8 acres with a large sledding hill in the winter, and two streams to splash in during the summer.  There were berries to pick, a chicken coop for a clubhouse, and a barn to store our trusty sawhorses.  Life was good.  This is all part of my lecture as I time travel back and tell my story through my quilts to the present day. It's a hoot!

Excuse me while I go find my trusty sawhorse and ride off into the sunset to save the world.




  1. Fun memories with your sis :-) The Eagle's Nest blocks are lovely especially with that gorgeous fabric!

  2. You still do a lot to save the world for many of us, beautiful quilt inspiration at a time!! Yee haw!!

  3. OMG, Lynn! This is just hilarious! Kids today just can't appreciate how fun your childhood sounds. We also played marbles for hours with the neighbor kids, jumped rope with my mom & dad turning the rope for ALL of us, and enjoyed a good game of hopscotch. Ahhhhh, the good old days .... *smile*

  4. Lynn, I love your stories! I have fond memories of visiting relatives in Paradise. The blocks are beautiful! You are so inspiring. I hope you feel better.

  5. Love the pictures of you and Gail: I can see you both, even as little girls!! What fun you had growing up!! I hope your time back in Paradise is wonderful!! Hugs, H

  6. You've been a busy gal while I've been down in your neck of the woods. I'm so sorry we couldn't get together, but July is just around the corner! You and Gail's childhood sounds so much like mine...oh, how we long for those days - but not the green stamps!!

  7. Hi Lynn, this is Rob, Madeleine’s husband. Loved the Paradise story. I was born there. Nelson’s Bar, Stratton’s market, Dean rd down to the Feather Canyon, apple orchards along Pentz rd. What a great place to grow up. Thanks fo sharing

  8. Oh Lynn this reminds me so much of my sister and I. It was Roy and Dale all the way. We would dig streams and make mountains where they could ride and across. You two are too cute. One day I will show you a pic of my sister and I dressed in our hats. And by the way, love the quilt block....

  9. Your block is gorgeous. You have a wonderful way of combining fabrics! I loved hearing about your childhood adventures. We used to “ride around the block” (about a mile) over & over. We sat up in one neighbor’s cherry trees eating cherries warmed by the sun. Sigh....
