
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Sew'n Wild Oaks Class Was In Session

Hello Everyone,
The mini quilt show this morning is provided by my Sew'n Wild Oaks Girls at In Between Stitches in Livermore, CA.  Feast your eyes on this hand-quilted beauty.

Here's another mini quilt.

I was impressed with the precision on the back of the quilt as well.

Here is the start of a beautiful Lil' Orphan Scrappy quilt.

Here's another great start to a Cute as a Button quilt.

This is Jeanne's beautiful finish.  For The Love of Baskets....all 120 little baskets.  Well done, and an heirloom to be cherished. 

Barbara made this quilt entirely out of her stash. Gorgeous!

Another beautiful Barbara creation with amazing precision.

Melody's quilt is done except for the binding.  This flannel quilt is so inviting!

What a fun few days we all had together.  There was a lot of chit chat, laughter, and yesterday we were entertained with singing by Paula and Susan.  You just had to be there to appreciate the fun and fellowship in the classroom. 

Over the past few days, I've been in the company of thirty of the most caring and fun women I know.  Quilting friends are the best!



  1. For the Love of Baskets has such tiny work in it - such a lovely heirloom

    1. Thank you for commenting Karen. Jeanne will appreciate your kind words. --Lynn

    2. Yes, Thank you Karen. Was a long time getting this quilt done! I love the pattern by Lynn and won't be doing any more baskets in the near future...sorry Lynn!

    3. Your creativity is deeply appreciated

  2. Thanks for posting my quilt Lynn. It was great to visit with you and the rest of the ladies. Wish I could have stayed longer. No more little baskets for a while for me.

    1. Thank YOU for making my pattern Jeanne. You persevered and have a beautiful quilt for all of your effort. --Lynn

  3. Yesterday Heidi shared the basket pattern and your note with me. Thank you for the greeting!

    1. Heidi seems so sweet Fran.....just like you! --Lynn

  4. Yes to all your statements Lynn. Such an uplifting group of women.

    1. It's a happy and spirited group! I always leave happy. --Lynn
