
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Writing a Quilt Story

Hello Everyone,
Sometimes I replace the Mode Block Head block of the week with one of my own.


This week I added this block to my existing Block Head 3 blocks.  This gives me the opportunity to test out a block, and see if I want to design a pattern around it.

My block finishes at 8" x 8".  All of the HST are 1".  But if you break this block down, it is made from HST's, plain squares, and 4 flying geese.  I stitched this block together piece by piece and pressed each seam after each addition.  Yes, it took extra time, but it was worth the effort.

In class, I encourage my students to put their own style into their quilts.  Make changes.  You don't always have to follow the pattern exactly as it's written.  Write your own quilt story, and make the quilt your interpretation of the original design.

Get busy writing your style in cloth!



  1. so true - so many make a pattern with exactly what they are told to do even if they don't like a block - I say make it your own!

    1. I agree. If you don't like a block, and make it anyway, your eye will always go right to that block. --Lynn

  2. Beautiful in the picture, but more stunning in seeing it in person. Suzanne

    1. Thank you Suzanne. This block would also be great a bit larger and in the middle of a medallion quilt. It was so good seeing you this week. --Lynn

  3. Re-mathed, this would make a great medallion.

  4. J'aime beaucoup ce bloc et il m'arrive aussi de "créer" un blog parce que je n'aime pas celui qui m'est proposé dans un ouvrage.
    Félicitations pour les tissus de tes blocs, je les aime beaucoup.

    1. Merci beaucoup. J’aime être créatif et ajouter dans ma propre création. Merci pour votre commentaire.

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