
Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Calico Cottages

 Hello Everyone,

My sister, Gail, has a beautiful Calico Cottages flimsy ready to send off to be machine quilted.

The little cottages within the setting triangles, measure 3" x 3".  You can see the wonderful selection of strips surrounding the block.

This quilt is truly a scrappy quilt and it's amazing just how much fabric you use while making it.  It feels so good to put all of those scraps to work and showcase them.

Here are the corners.  The little 9-patch has strip after strip around it.  Gail's fabrics are all from the same family of reproduction fabrics from many, many different fabric lines.  They all work together beautifully.

All of the roofs, windows, and the chimneys are the same.  This was her first attempt at foundation paper-piecing.  She was not a fan at first......I can attest to that!  But, once she got it, she got it and couldn't stop making these precious little houses.

You can find the pattern HERE in my Etsy shop.  The quilt measures 62" x 62" which makes a wonderful wall hanging or lap quilt.  Gail loves her quilt as well she should!

On the home front, taxes have been submitted to the accountant as of yesterday.  Mazey is now eating and drinking a lot as she's making up for lost time.  The steroids are making her feel better and she's now able to chew without pain.....but a case of the 'trots' has her running to the door day and night.  We take turns nightly on who has to get up and take her out.  It's a bit scary out there in the woods at night. Luckily, she gets straight to work, and we aren't standing around outside for too long.  What we do for our precious pets!  



  1. My dog had the same diagnosis. She was just a puppy and suddenly stopped eating. Her head and neck were very painful. See also ran a very high fever. They thought at first it was meningitis. After several difficult days and several different antibiotics they focused on this autoimmune condition. The steroids did the trick and she lived another 15 years. Hope the worst is over for you.
    I look forward to your blog and I am fascinated with your bear sightings.

  2. I really enjoyed making this quilt, more than any other! I think part of that was challenging myself to learn a new skill. I had never paper pieced before. I started this quilt a year ago at the Pieceful Gathering retreat outside of Chicago. Lynn taught the class. With her help and the help of quilting friends Debbie and Kristi, I made two houses and once it clicked, I was hooked! When I came home I made the rest of the 13 houses plus a few extra. It was addicting! Moral of the story, don’t be afraid to try new things! This pattern is wonderful!

    1. The quilt looks so good. It surprises me that you enjoyed making this more than any other quilt. You must have enjoyed learning a new technique.

    2. It is wonderful Gail. You did a fantastic job.

    3. I love all of the use of the reproduction fabrics. If I was still sewing, I would grab this pattern in a minute .

  3. What a sweet motif with a great variety of fabrics being used.

  4. What a welcome piece of news about Mazey!!!
    Gail's flimsy is beautiful and quite an accomplishment especially with those houses!!!

    1. Did you get to see it in person? Yes, it is quite the accomplishment.

  5. Way to go Gail! Such fine little details showcased by a gorgeous fabric selection! Glad Mazey is starting to feel better.

    1. It's all those little details that make a difference. Gail paid attention to every single detail!

  6. Je parcours toujours ton blog avec plaisir mais malheureusement je n e reçois toujours pas la notification d’un nouvel article. C’est d’ailleurs très bizarre car d’autres « blogueuses » sur Blogger.

  7. It's good news about Mazey. Very happy she is doing better. And Gails Quilt is beautiful.
