
Saturday, March 9, 2024

Country Sunshine

 Hello Everyone,

This image of Country Sunshine popped up on my memories yesterday on my computer.  I thought it was very fitting for this time of the year here in the Sierra Nevada mountains.  We all need a little sunshine in our lives.

I should rename this quilt Mountain Sunshine.  The sun has been very elusive up here, and another smaller storm is on the way for a short visit.  If I get one more winter storm warning on my phone, I think I'm going to scream!

We took Mazey in to see her Vet again yesterday for the third time this week.  She is perking up a bit, but she is still hiding away for most of the day.  Yesterday, she actually showed interest in a squirrel as she came out of the bedroom and bedded down by the sliding glass door.  She is also eating little bits of chicken and rice in chicken broth.

Our little Mazey was diagnosed with masticatory myositis.  The masticatory muscles are the muscles used in chewing.  The word myositis means muscle inflammation.  So, this explains why she was not eating or barking.  She is now on steroids and the Vet gave her a steroid injection to jump start the medication and get it in her system quickly. 

So, our early warning bear notification system is no longer working.  All of these bear tracks came out of the woods and circled around the fire pit.  Then the tracks led right up the stairs to our deck, without a peep out of Mazey.

Today I'm going to finish up everything I need to do on our taxes and get them to the accountant.  This has been such a drag and so uncreative.  I guess I could have gotten creative with the numbers......but I won't.

So, my readers, you are going to have to be creative for me today.





  1. It's so good to hear Mazey has a diagnosis and treatment, Lynn! You really need that near warning system and for your buddy to be back to herself! Don't worry about being creative on your taxes - I took care of that on ours...and don't ask *wink! Lots of love, Candace

    1. Mazey is doing soooo much better. I'm almost ready to turn all of my information over the our accountant. It's a good feeling.

  2. Glad to hear Mazie is doing much better ! My daughter is a nurse at the University of Michigan, and she named her Boxer Mazie Blue ! Speaking of blue I have your pattern For the Love of Baskets. Was this ever kitted ? I really want to make it as you have. What is the blue you used for the border ? What is the majority of the fabric used come from what line ? Any information would be greatly appreciated 🙏 Thank you

  3. What great news about Mazey!! What a spell she had.
    Gail - your quilt is amazing , especially those houses. Congratulations!!!
    And Lynn, congratulations to you on your taxes. Now that's a burden to be lifted.
