Wednesday, January 15, 2025


 Hello Everyone,

I've been working on a new design, and I have a nice little assortment of blocks for Stardance. This is a snapshot of what I'm working on in EQ software.

This is what the actual block looks like.  I love that what I see in EQ software is very similar to the real block.

This is a snapshot of another block in the quilt in EQ.  The block placement in the quilt determines the framing around the block.

This is the actual block.

I'm combining my Gentry's Mill fabric line with my Hearthstone fabric line. I'm so happy with what I'm seeing so far.  When the graphic artist at Marcus Fabrics sends me the files, they are ready to import directly into EQ software.  I get a wonderful rendition of the quilt right from the get-go. 

I go between EQ software, to the pattern directions, and then to the sewing machine.  I'm also using my little organization progress sheet to keep track of what I've accomplished.  These sheets will definitely be included in the pattern.  I feel as though this is the most organized I've been while creating a new pattern.

On a personal note, it's coyote mating season here in the Sierra Nevada mountains and the coyotes are 'talking' every night.  When our dog Mazey hears them, she chimes right in and howls unlike any howl she's vocalized before.  It's a primal howl coming from deep within her chest which sends chills up my spine.  It feels like I'm in a horror movie and I never watch horror movies!  I'm blaming these dark circles under my eyes on the coyotes.....and Mazey.



  1. This quilt is going to be lovely!!! I can't wait to see the whole thing.

    1. This pattern is going to be the project for my retreats this year. I can see this one on a bed at the cabin!

  2. Nice pattern. We have coyotes near me too. I haven't heard them in a while but mating season here is February. Guess I'll be hearing them soon. Lately the only dogs howling have been due to sirens. Lol!

  3. You're so on a roll, Lynn!!!! Love it...
    P.S. My dog Abbey and I howl back and forth at LEAST once a day. We offload tension in the process!!!!
