Thursday, September 10, 2020

I Do

Hello Everyone,

The two most intelligent words I ever said were "I do" to this wonderful man, Mr. Joe.

Yesterday, we celebrated our 48th anniversary with our best friends who we've known for 44 years.  I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate.

Our power was restored yesterday after a 48 hour shut down for safety reasons due to all of the fires burning around us, and the strong winds.  Power or not, we were still able to celebrate our 48th anniversary, as the power was restored three hours before dinner.

Those of you who been following me know the story of how we met.  Here it is again for those of you new to my blog.

Let's time travel back to July 1971, when I was a sophomore at Chico State College in Chico, CA.  At that time I had a small studio apartment that cost me $50/month during the summer and $100/month during the school year. That was a lot of money for someone working part-time and going to school.

I was dating an agriculture major/cowboy from Redding, and he started taking me to barn dances up and down the Sacramento Valley.  He suggested that I purchase some cowboy boots and Levis so that I'd "fit in" a little more at the barn dances.

I bought a pair of tall, English riding boots, because I didn't want to have pointy toes.  I also bought the tightest pair of jeans that I could squeeze my young, curvy body into.  The jeans were so tight I had to lay down on the bed to zip them up.

I was all dressed up in my best Western regalia when my date came to pick me up.  I thought we were going to a barn dance, but instead we went to watch a softball game in Bidwell Park.  Did I forget to mention that it gets really, REALLY, hot in Chico in the summertime.  It was about 110 degrees at the softball game.  I was dying and almost had a heat stroke.

My date brought me back to my apartment and dropped me off.  All I wanted to do was get my tight jeans and boots off and lay down in front of my swamp cooler.  Well, in the heat, my ankles got swollen.  I couldn't get my boots off which meant I couldn't get my pants off.  I couldn't call my date and ask him to undress me!  I had only lived in my apartment for a month, and I didn't know any of the neighbors.

There were about 20 apartments in my complex, and there was one light on in the entire place.  That light belonged to a rough and tumble "bad boy" type, with a hot Mustang and a motorcycle.  I could tell that he was a Veteran because of his camo-wearing friends.  Viet Nam Veterans weren't treated with the respect they deserved, and I have to tell you I was a little afraid.

I was desperate.  I summoned up my courage, and my boots, Levis and I walked down and knocked on the door of a stranger.  I was secretly afraid he was "entertaining" someone if you catch my drift.  The bad boy opened the door, and my heart was beating out of my chest.  I told him my name, and asked him if he could take my boots off.  He looked at me, laughed, and said he didn't like to undress women in the hallway, come on in.  I went in.

Now I could be mean and say part 2 tomorrow, but I'll finish the story.

We talked for hours, and hours.  He asked me out to a barbeque with his friends the next night. Bad Boy and I were engaged six months later.  Now I know inquiring minds want to know if he took my boots off.  Yes he did, and only the boots!

So if it hadn't have been for the boots, the Levis, and the Barn Dance I didn't go to that night, I wouldn't have spent the last 49 years with the Bad Boy.....A.K.A....Mr. Joe.

This is our engagement picture in January 1972.  How do you like that hair!!!  It took about two cans of Aqua Net hairspray a week to keep that "do" in place.  I take personal responsibility for global warming.

So there you have it, a love story that began in 1971.......and continues to this day.



  1. Happy Anniversary Lynn and Mr Joe! Your story is great and never gets old to listen (or read) to. Have a great day!

  2. Happy Anniversary - we celebrated our 48th this year too - glad your power is back on and that you are safe I was watching the news last night and when they were showing the fires I was hoping none of them were too close to you

  3. Happy Anniversary. Love the story of how you met--that's one for the ages and I would never get tired of hearing it.

  4. Congratulations on 48 years and a wonderful family! You two are still as cute as you were in 1972!

    1. That is stretching the truth Candace! It made me laugh.

  5. Congratulations on finding and keeping your soul mate. Having that "special someone" to share life's ups and downs with makes the adventure all worth while. Hugs, Sharon McD

  6. Great post and I never get tired of hearing your story! Happy 48th to a special sister and brother-in-law!

  7. Gotta love a good love story! Congratulations~

  8. Happy anniversary to both of you lovebirds!

  9. Happy Anniversary to you and Joe. I always love hearing this story. Glad you were safe from the fires but had to go without power. Miss you and stay safe. Suzanne

  10. Happy Anniversary to you and Joe. I always love hearing this story. Glad you were safe from the fires but had to go without power. Miss you and stay safe. Suzanne

    1. Thanks Suzanne! I miss you too. Hopefully we can be together in class again soon.

  11. Happy anniversary from two who were there with you! We still talk about your wedding. You were the only one I would have worn orange for. Love from Sandi and John

    1. It's so funny that we were just talking about those horrid orange dresses last night! What was I thinking! Joe still wants you to be his "best man" Sandi. Love you guys.

  12. Wishing you both all the best on your 48th Anniversary! What wonderful memories! Thanks for sharing. HUGS... and stitches

  13. Happy Anniversary! What a great "meeting" story. Mine was a blind date. How I miss my honey!

  14. Thank you for sharing your sweet story. It certainly brightened my day! Happy Anniversary

    1. It always brightens my day too! Thank you for commenting.

  15. Happy Anniversary to you both! That is such a sweet (and too funny :-) story! I was a junior in high school in 1971, so I remember the hair well, too. But first, we had to sleep with our hair wound around small orange juice cans to get the 'big hair' effect.
    I am heading to my 42nd anniversary in November--where on earth did that time go?
    Wishing you many more years and many blessings, along with rain,

    Mary in Kansas

    1. Thank you Mary. Yes! I remember my friends using orange juice cans. I always had short hair, but I did sleep on rollers. How did we do that?

  16. You two look so sweet in your engagement picture! Congrats on 49 years!!! And I know you have some wonderful children and grandchildren that have been added in those years: couldn't be better!!! Hugs, H

  17. Happy Anniversary. What a beautiful story Lynn. I also met my hubby on a blind date in May 1971. We "dated" for two years and have been happily married for 47 year this past July. Boy those years have flown by.

  18. Congratulations! Here's hoping for another 40 or so. Sometimes a girl just has to do what a girl has to do and it works out just fine.

    1. Isn't that the truth! I was desperate to get some relief from those tight pants.

  19. Congratulations! I love your story; thanks for sharing it. I continue to marvel at how entire lives can change/be determined by random events and incidents! I met my wonderful husband of 43 years on a blind date.

    1. Your words are so true about random events changing lives. Thank you for commenting.

  20. What a GREAT story! Happy Anniversary with many more happy years to come! ❤

  21. Happy Anniversary to you both from someone who NEVER tires of hearing your story!!!!

    1. How I love this story. I am with Paula. It is the best.

  22. Happy anniversary to both of you...and what a great story!

  23. Félicitations pour votre anniversaire de mariage et j'espère que de nombreuses années encore protégerons votre union.
    Je suis heureuse que les incendies n'aient pas eu de répercussions pour vous.
    En ce qui me concerne, en avril nous avons fêté nos 35 ans de mariage. J'ai un mari adorable que je n'échangerais pour rien au monde et plusieurs de mes amies m'envient...
    Je t'embrasse (de loin nous pouvons le faire).

    1. Merci Monique pour vos belles paroles. Nous sommes tous les deux si chanceux d’être mariés à des hommes si merveilleux.

  24. Even though I've heard the story before, it still warms my heart. I love it! Happy anniversary, Lynn & Mr. Joe!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Happy anniversary! Love the hair. What a sweet story.

  27. Happy Anniversary to you two sweethearts! We are celebrating our 48th this week as well. Loved reading your story again. We were attending community college. He was taking an art class with a girlfriend of mine, whom I would stay with once a week to cut down the drive home. He called her up one night when I was there asking if she would sit for him so he could complete his art portfolio assignment. "Sure, come on over." Then she claimed a headache, and had me sit for him. I'd seen him in my anthropology class and thought, WHAT a HUNK! When he saw me he thought, Boy, what a pretty girl, I'd never get her! Well we got each other, within 6 months we too were engaged, and married the following fall. I never did have the "outrageous hair" that some girls did, Mother frowned upon that. Love my man and hope to have him till I die. Hope your year goes better, glad to share our memories!

    1. What a great story. Another one of those unexpected, chance meetings that changed your life. Congratulations on your anniversary!

  28. Ha! What a great story! Even tho I wasn't born till '71, I do greatly appreciate his service (esp being the mother of a soldier)--please let him know! My sis lived in Redding for years; my nephew still lives there. Hubs and I are coming up to 28 years and we couldn't be happier. It's wonderful to see others' happily-ever-after stories too! Far too few of them these days!

    1. I'm old enough to be your mother!! I'll pass on your thanks to Mr. Joe. He's very proud of his time in the US Air Force.

  29. I so love your story! The engagement picture is great....even includes Gail’s and your high school graduation pictures on the mantle. Classic. You two are wonderful people and great together.
    I too met my husband while attending Chico State. The older brother of my roommate stopped by to see her just 2 weeks into my freshman year. I couldn’t believe that this handsome man was knocking at our door. The first thing he said to me was “Margaret said you were ugly but I think your kinda cute.” He had me at “Hello.” Celebrating 39 years of marriage. Bonus was my awesome roommate became my sister.
    Go Chico!!!!

    1. Love your story Madeleine! This has been fun reading how so many of my followers met.

  30. Happy anniversary, what a great love story! Blessings you both for many more happy years together!


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