Monday, September 14, 2020

Cabin Cozy

Hello Everyone,

My Bear Paw blocks for my new "Cabin Cozy" design just walked out of the cabin, and started walking up a tree right outside of my front door.

By the end of the day, some tree blocks found themselves outside with Mazey standing guard over them.  She didn't want any squirrels running off with any of the blocks.

I am using "Folk Art Flannel 4" designed by Janet Rae Nesbitt for Henry Glass Fabrics.  I've enjoyed working with this high-quality, 2-ply flannel.  As a general rule, I don't quilt with flannel.  My last two shipments from Henry Glass have been flannel, so now I'll have two flannel quilts to my name.

This is a view of our sun for the past two weeks.  It's just a big orange ball that reflects orange light on our world here in California.  It is other-worldly, dark, and depressing.  Our eyes and throats are burning, so we pretty much stay inside for most of the day.  The air is hazardous to unhealthy most days.  Poor Mazey hasn't gotten many walks or runs over the past two weeks.  If the air is bad for us, it has to be worse for her when she runs.

I just listened to the forecast, and it sounds like the winds are going to change and blow this smoke away.  The only problem is that it will then become Nevada's problem.

My sister Gail, and our cousin Melody will be here for dinner tonight.  If I remember, I'll take a picture and post the recipe of our delicious, Tuscan, garlic, shrimp pasta dinner.  This recipe gets a 4-star rating in my book.

I have to scoot and process my Etsy orders this morning.  Then I have a Quilt Guild meeting via Zoom.  Then I have to get to the grocery store.  Then I have to clean the house. I think I need help!



  1. glad the fires have continued to stay away from you and hope that smoke clears up soon - all the way here in Arkansas at times there is a little haze in the sky that they say is from the fires out west.

    1. We still have a good month, if not two months of fire season to endure. Pray for rain.

  2. Yes, you have a busy day ahead! Love the flannel paws, going up the trees with Mazey guarding them. She's doing a great job. You can relax and enjoy your 4 star dinner tonight. Have a great day!

    1. Yes, I'll relax after my to-do list is done! I might have an adult beverage too.

  3. Your flannel quilt is going to be so cozy!
    (don’t forget to post that shrimp recipe 😋)

    1. I'll try Sandy! I get hungry just thinking about this recipe.

  4. Sounds like the best kind of busy Lynn! The flannel blocks are really coming along and in safe "paws". Love the colors.

    1. Mazey hasn't eaten a block yet! But she eats just about everything else.

  5. Yikes, I just checked air quality for the cabin and it said it was good! All that smoke must have broken the monitor! You all have a a great time and stay safe!

  6. These blocks are wonderful! Love them up on the trees. :D May we all have smoke-free air again soon, please Lord.

  7. These are wonderful blocks Lynn. It will be another great quilt. Can not wait to see it. Looking forward to seeing this recipe too. Sounds so yummy. Enjoy your week.

  8. Hi, Lynn! Just wanted to tell you that bear paw blocks on pine trees are the cutest things I have seen in a long time. Do you think Simone will think another bear is trespassing on her territory? ;) Thanks for all you share, except the smoke, we have been breathing it here in Utah ever since it all started. Drove up into the High Unitas yesterday (northeastern edge of Utah). There is a massive fire in the backcountry that looked like a volcano sending up smoke and ash. So we are getting it whichever way the wind blows. We are praying for the entire western US to get the rain we so desperately need. The quilting helps lift my spirits, so keep up the good work. All your patterns are amazing, I just wish I could work faster. And congratulations on your Courthouse quilt being in the magazine!


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