Monday, September 28, 2020

Cabin Cozy

Hello Everyone,

I've been working on my Cabin Cozy design during these first days of Fall.

Three rows completed, two more to go.  I ended up changing the layout which meant I had enough trees made, but I need to make more Bear Paw blocks.  All of the blocks finish at 7", more or less.

The fabric is called Folk Art Flannel IV by One Sister Designs, for Henry Glass Fabrics.  I was surprised how easy it is to work with the flannel.  I'm not pinning as much, as the fabric just sticks together.

Just when we thought it was beginning to look like Fall, we jumped back into Summer with very warm weather, and the dreaded wind.  We kept getting recorded calls from our power supplier warning us of a potential PSPS (Public Safety Power Shutoff).  Luckily for us, this was warning was cancelled yesterday afternoon.

Prior to the PSPS cancellation, we went into our fire preparation mode.  Both cars were filled with gas, along with our wallets with small bills.  We had our "bugger out" bag ready......just in case.  I can't wait for the arrival of rain and snow.

We had two cords of wood delivered, so we've been hauling and stacking.  We feel like two little squirrels getting ready for the seasonal change. The stack of wood looked like Mt. Everest!

Here's a picture of our nicely stained log home.  I'm showing you this, so you can see we live on a hill, and all of the wood needs to be carried down the hill.  It is exhausting.  You can just see the garage peaking out on the left-hand side of the picture.

This is what it looked like prior to and during the staining.  The cabin is now darker, with a hint of Chestnut.

This is the side deck off our our bedroom.  I need to take pictures of the main deck on the other side of the house.  

You can see that we are surrounded by trees.  It is a real worry during this time of year.  We love hearing the wind in the trees during non-fire season.  We love seeing the trees covered with snow in the winter. They give us so much shade, and are home to many little critters.  We sit on the deck and just stare at the trees wondering how they can grow so large and straight.  I hope they have a long, long life.




  1. Morning Lynn! Love the new quilt! The pattern and flannels go great together. Think that’s another one I’ll have to make! We are dealing with another new fire going into Santa Rosa. If it keeps coming south we could be effected. Prayers to all.

    1. I've been watching the path and destruction of the new fire Jeanne. I feel so sorry for the people who have lost everything. I pray the firefighters can get a handle on it. Take care.

  2. I totally understand the love of trees - you know they could possibly be a fire trap but the place wouldn't be the same without them.

    1. We've often said that we would never rebuild in this area if a fire came through. It would never be the same without the trees.

  3. Hello - really love this pattern and oh the colors. Some of my favorites. Another project for me I am happy to say. Your cabin looks very cozy. Oh hauling wood. So fun. So not slip on that hill. Maybe you could hook Mazey up to a small wagon and she could help. Make sure it has breaks though.

    1. The wheelbarrow has gotten away from me a couple of times when I get it too full! Mazey carries pinecones down to the woodpile. That is more her speed!

    2. Pinecones are great fire starters. Please be careful.........

  4. Your cabin is looking great! And so is the quilt!! Take care with the wood hauling!! No slipping allowed!! Hugs, H

    1. Thanks Helen. You stay safe where you are. This fire season is one for the record books!

  5. I love your new Cabin Cozy design! The colors are perfect for it. Henry Glass must be thrilled having you on their team.

    1. Thank you! This quilt will be perfect in the cabin.

  6. What a cozy looking home. Stay safe and we'll all pray for rain for you guys. Wish we could send you some.


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