Monday, October 5, 2020

Leaf Peepers in Batik

 Hello Everyone,

My sister was here for the past week, and we've been busy making another Leaf Peeper quilt with batik fabrics.

I  selected the fabrics for each leaf, and cut them out.  I marked the stitching lines for the components, then my sister stitched them together.

Warning, warning, warning.....these leaves are very addicting!  I find it fun to select the four fabrics needed for each block.  My sister thinks it fun to sew them together.  It was a perfect combination of efforts.

I'm going to make my quilt in a gradation of colors, from light to dark by changing the color of the background fabric in each block.  I don't really know yet how large or small it is going to be.  All I know is that I'm enjoying the creative process working with my gorgeous stash of batik fabrics.

I'll be working on my own today since my sister had to return home yesterday.  It's going to be pretty quiet around here.  I'm going to try to pull several blocks together each day, and work on this quilt throughout the month of October.  My sister took several blocks home with her to put together.  It's so much fun giving your sister homework!

My Crossing the Pond pattern will be ready for shipping soon.  I'm just now waiting for the block layout sheet to arrive from the printer.  It's an oversized sheet that is shipping from the East Coast.  The rest of the pattern is all ready to bag and ship!

Rain, glorious rain, is in forecast for Saturday.  I hope this storm doesn't fall apart before it gets here.  My state is in desperate need of rain to help douse the fires, and quench the dry earth.  Over 4 million acres of land burned during this 2020 fire season in California.  All I can say is that it is 2020.......what else is going to happen???



  1. You and Gail are having too much run rustling in the leaves! I had thought about doing a smaller version for my entry quilt rack in batik...I think I'll go jump in my fall pile of batiks right after I order the pattern!
    Fingers crossed for a good drenching of rain!

    1. Yes, we did have fun working on the leaves. I need to head outside and start raking before the weekend, and get my leaves under a tarp.

  2. Wow! I rarely use batiks, but these are gorgeous! I keep forgetting to tell you how beautiful your quilt looked in Quiltmania!

    1. I've really enjoyed working with the batiks. I'm glad you liked my quilt in the magazine!

  3. love your use of batiks in this top - beautiful! sorry your still waiting on your pattern layout for the one you are ready to sell but that layout sheet you enclose is so worth the wait. I do hope you get rain soon

    1. The printer has been really slow. It's time to look for a different source for the block layout sheet. The main block in Crossing the Pond needs to have the sheet to help guide you through the process.

  4. Those batik leaf peepers are beautiful! :0)

  5. Gotta love playing in a leaf pile, especially with a sibling.

    1. Yes, as children we used to play in the leaves. Your comment brought back happy memories.

  6. Beau travail à quatre mains. Ces feuilles en batik sont vraiment jolies.
    J'aime beaucoup le batik mais pour un travail à la main, je trouve que ce tissu est assez dur.
    Je sais qu'en Amérique et en Australie vous travaillez beaucoup avec la machine à coudre.
    En Belgique, c'est beaucoup moins le cas.

    1. Je n’ai jamais su que vous surtout courtepointe à la main en Belgique. C’est très intéressant. Merci d’avoir fait des commentaires, Monique.


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