Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Cabin Cozy Photo Shoot

Hello Everyone,

Yesterday Mr. Joe, Mazey, and I set off on a photo shoot for Cabin Cozy.  Our plan was to head up and over Ebbetts Pass and drop down into Gardnerville, NV. I say drop down into Nevada, because Ebbetts Pass is 8,736 feet.  We had one false start.  We were about three miles away from the cabin, when I realized we had forgotten the quilt!

The pattern is going to be called Cabin Cozy.  The fabrics are Folk Art Flannels 4 by One Sister Designs for Henry Glass & Co.  The pattern is half written.  The fabric is arriving faster than I can design, make and write the patterns.

We were expecting to see some nice fall color our our journey, but we were a bit too early, and the summer has been too hot.  A lot of leaves on the Aspen trees have just fallen off before they got a chance to change color.  The Eastern side of the Sierra along Sonora Pass had some beautiful color, but there wasn't a good turnout on the narrow road to get a good picture.

We stopped at two cow camps to take pictures.  The ranchers just finished rounding up the cattle from their summertime high country meadows, and brought them down to lower elevations.  Sometimes the cowboys and cattle with stop traffic for miles as they wind their way down the mountain on the narrow road.

Our first stop was the first picture at the cow camp on Highway 4.  You really had to be careful where you walked......and I had sandals on.  Silly me.  Mazey consumed a couple of "road apples" before we could stop her.  We ended up calling her "manure mouth" all day.  


The pile of "meadow muffins" to the bottom left of the quilt, adds authenticity to this picture!

This cow camp was the second stop along our way on Highway 108.  Sonora Pass is 9624' elevation.  We were at the top of a very smoky world.

My fear was that a couple curious cows were going to amble over and steel the quilt off of the gate, and run amok across the meadow.  Now that would have been something to witness.  We could have sent Manure Mouth Mazie out to round them up!  

It was a very pleasant 250 mile drive through some absolutely gorgeous scenery.  It was a long, yet fun day spent with my two favorite people, Mr. Joe, and Mazey.  Yes, Mazey is very people-like in my eyes.



  1. Well forgetting the star of the photo shoot is something I've never done (NOT). I got a good laugh out of that! You, Joe and Manure Mouth had a glorious photo shoot for a glorious quilt! I might just have to angle having that quilt on my bed next time I visit (wink, hint)!

    1. The next time you come for a visit Candace, you can have any quilt you want on your bed!

  2. Beautiful quilt Lynn, and I loved your description of your adventures in the photo shoot! I just traveled from Idaho yesterday and the smoke on the Nevada side of the Sierra's was THICK! I'm surprised that you were able to get non-smokey pictures at all! Thank goodness the cows weren't interested in sleeping with your quilt!! :-) I also got my mail and my Quiltmania magazine: so fun to see your quilt in it! Hugs, H

    1. Wasn't the smoke terrible! We didn't get to see the glorious vistas that we normally see when we take our normal pilgrimage over the passes.

  3. Lovely quilt, and such a wonderful setting.

    1. Thank you so much Jenny. It was a fun photoshoot. When we set out, I had no idea we would be focusing on cattle!

  4. What a great finish, Lynn!!! I love this blue, green, and brown combination especially with this country theme.

    1. Thank you Paula. When I quilt this one, I think Joe and I will be fighting over it this winter!

  5. Your photos are wonderful and I'm in love with this quilt! It's just absolutely gorgeous!! We were up on Hwy 88 at Hope Valley on Saturday witnessing some beautiful yellow aspens.

    1. So that's where the color is.....Hwy 88. I'm so glad you like the quilt.

  6. Wow this quilt is stunning! I love your design and the fabric choices. I traveled home from Gardnerville yesterday but on Hwy 88...wish I was on the same would have been great to see you three and the quilt in person.

    1. I wish we could have seen you too, Madeleine! Did you stop at The Quilt House in Gardnerville?

    2. Yes I did. What a beautiful shop! Chatted with an employee who grew up In Livermore. Connections can so easily be made with fellow quilters.

  7. Very pretty quilt. I would have never guessed it was flannel. What a beautiful country we live in!

    1. Thank you Susie! Yes, aren't we so lucky to live in a beautiful country.

  8. Looks like you had a wonderful day. I'm jealous. Its been a long time since I've seen ponderosas like that.

    1. We are surrounded by Ponderosa Pines, Spruce, and Oak trees. We love seeing them.


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