Sunday, October 18, 2020

Leaf Peeper Progress

 Hello Everyone,

I've been enjoying the nice Fall weather while making leaves......lots, and lots of leaves for my Leaf Peeper design.

I have about 25 leaves ready to be stitched together and tacked on to the block layout sheets.  The following two  pictures show a leaf using the same background fabric, but the leaf fabric is different.

I'm making only two leaves with the same background.

My pile of leaves is getting bigger by the day.  I'm preparing for a Leaf Peepers class via Zoom tomorrow to my quilt guild.  This is an experiment for me to see how this is going to work.  There is still a lot of preparation, in fact probably more than when I teach a regular class in person.

I was supposed to teach in person for three days last week in Livermore.  The numbers just weren't there to hold classes.  I don't blame quilters for not wanting to gather in groups.  I was a bit hesitant too.  So, I'm going to see how the class works on Zoom.

We spent several days down in Livermore during the week to see the family. Since we don't get to see them as often, we notice just how much our grandsons are changing physically.  The boys, 12 & 13, have gone from little boys to young men since last March.  They are getting taller, and their voices are changing.  It's astonishing! 

Our middle son and his family are coming up to the mountains today, and we are going for a walk in Calaveras Big Trees State Park.  The dogwoods should be spectacular this time of year.  But, this year has been a strange one.  It is still incredibly hot for October, and the leaves are falling off the trees before they get a chance to change color.  What can I is 2020!



  1. Oh, I'm sorry that you didn't have enough numbers for your classes. I really wanted to take your leaf peepers class, but it was a bit far, and getting there in time would have meant going through all the bay area traffic during rush hour: yuck!! Hope you have the most wonderful time with your son and his family!!! Hugs, H

  2. That’s going to be one gorgeous quilt, Lynn. Good luck with the zoom class, that seems to be the thing these days. Nice you were able to see your family, and those growing boys. Have a nice hike this weekend!


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