Friday, October 9, 2020

Oh, La, La - Heritage is Traveling to France

 Hello Everyone,

The emails were going back and forth to France on Wednesday after I was contacted by the editor of QuiltMania magazine.  They want to include my Heritage design in their January/February issue!

This version of Heritage was made by the Independence Hall Quilters (IHQ) of Arnold, CA.  The quilt was the 2019 scholarship quilt, and raffled off at the Quilt Show last October.  All the proceeds from the raffle ticket sales went to scholarships for graduating seniors from Bret Harte High School in Angels Camp, CA.  

I spent multiple days cutting fabric from my stash for each block. The guild members assembled the blocks during our work days, and we watched this beauty come together. 

We did a photoshoot at Ironstone Winery.  This is one of my favorite places to take pictures of completed quilts.

Here are some pictures taken of some of the blocks.

The quilt was beautifully machine quilted by Debra Coleman.

The winner of the quilt was contacted, and Lydia graciously consented to part with the quilt for a few months while it travels to France for a photoshoot.  Heritage will be packed up today, and head to finishing school in France.  It's been a whirlwind of a week!




  1. You do fantastic work! Congratulations on your publication!

    1. Thank you! The guild members get the credit for creating this quilt. I just did a lot of fabric selection and cutting.

  2. Oh’ve hit the big time now! What a well-deserved accolade for you as well as the guild members! Congratulations, mon ami!

    1. Just wait, I have more good news. I'll let the next cat out of the bag soon.

  3. Wonderful! I love that quilt and am happy that it is getting its deserved recognition.

    1. Thank you Fran. I'm so glad the last fire didn't reach your town.

  4. Congratulations!! Apparently there have been a couple of good things to come out of 2020! You sooo deserve this.
    Sharon McD

  5. Congratulations!! Apparently there have been a couple of good things to come out of 2020! You sooo deserve this.
    Sharon McD

    1. There is another piece of good news that I'm going to share soon. Yes, for all of the turmoil of 2020, there have been some good things happening.

  6. Congratulations, but no surprise there! This is so exciting and I am so glad that I subscribe to Quiltmania :-) I loved seeing your quilt this month and I look forward to January!
    Mary in Kansas

    1. Thank you Mary! I'm anxious to see the setting where they photograph the quilt.

  7. Another favorite! Perhaps Quiltmania should consider opening an office in California and save on postage. Congratulations!

    1. Your comment made me laugh Laura! They do have an office in Georgia, but all of the quilts are photographed in France.

  8. What wonderful news! I’m so excited and happy for you! The quilt is beautiful.....I will be purchasing both editions of the magazine.

  9. Cette courtepointe est splendide et je trouve qu'elle mérite à juste titre une place de choix dans le Quiltmania. J'attends avec impatience mon numéro de janvier/février pour pour mieux l'admirer.
    Félicitations à toutes.

    1. Merci beaucoup, Monique. J’ai été absolument ravi pour la guilde quand j’ai reçu l’e-mail. Ils ont travaillé si dur pour faire cette courtepointe complexe.

  10. magnifique!!! bravo à toutes

  11. Congratulations, Lynn! Well-deserved!


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