Saturday, October 10, 2020

Leaf Peepers 2.0

 Hello Everyone,

Fall has arrived here in the mountains.

When I was working on my Leaf Peeper quilt on the dining room table, Mr. Joe kept bringing me leaves from our little maple tree.  By the end of the day I had a pile of real leaves on the table, and a design wall full of leaves.

This is not the final layout, as the quilt is going to be considerably larger.  It is going to take me weeks to pull this quilt together just the way I want it to look.  I have to find the perfect fabric to make the gradual progression from light to dark. The backgrounds are going to get progressively darker as the leaves work their way down to the bottom of the quilt.  

I've been selecting the fabrics, making components, and tacking them onto the block layout sheet.  This way I can really see what I have and what I need.  I could make a smaller wall hanging, but I would LOVE to showcase a queen sized quilt on the bed at the cabin during the Fall.  I think it would be spectacular.

I'm getting obsessed with these leaves.  I sorted all of my batiks, and refolded every piece of batik I own, so I can really see what I have to work with.  This is just too much fun!




  1. Spectacular Is an understatement!! You are so talented!

    1. I'm getting obsessed with these blocks. Each one is so unique and fun to make.

  2. It's looking gorgeous: I'm loving it in the Batiks! And that leaf is amazing!! Hugs, H

    1. I'm loving it in Batiks too! Let's keep our fingers crossed that we are going to make it through fire season. It's been brutal up in your neck of the woods.

  3. Oh my goodness, this is already stunning, but a queen size....spectacular!

    1. Oh I'm with you! I actually have enough leaves to stop now......but there's no stopping me. I'm going to go big, or go home!

  4. OH MY! I would LOVE this in queen size...on my bed! I have always wanted to make an autumn quilt featuring maple leaves. This is the one I’ve been waiting for!!
    ps I’ve also wanted to make a tulip quilt for my bed. Does that inspire you?

    1. I've been working hard on this one Diane. I'm glad you like it. I'm actually obsessed with the leaves. Tulips.....not so much. Sorry.

  5. Really gorgeous. The batiks are perfect. I love Fall and leaves.

    1. Thank you Stephanie! I've been having a good time working on this quilt.


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