Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Changing of the Quilts

Hello Everyone,

I'm writing this Monday evening, and scheduling it to post Tuesday morning.  We keep getting calls from PG&E, and it sounds like our power will be shut off at 11pm Monday night.  Most likely my Internet will be out too.  

I used this old buggy and make shift box as a prop in my booth at quilt shows.  Since I haven't been vending at shows, I thought I should put this to good use holding quilts.

We are still putting the decks and front porch back together at the cabin after the week-long cabin staining.  It seemed to me like a good time to move the quilts around.  This quilt is called Scrappy Maple Leaves.  I don't think the book is still available.  This is my favorite quilt to display during the Fall.  I've taught it many times, and the results have been over the top gorgeous!

The chairs belonged to my parents, and I remember them at our home in Paradise during the 1950's.  They are that old, and my memory is that good!  I've enjoyed them for years.

If you don't hear from me for a few days, it's not because I didn't want to chat.  It's because our power is out for safety.  I'll be puttering around the house and working on a quilt or two.  Thank goodness for the generator!



  1. generator's come in so handy to keep the refrigerator and fan's going but noisy aren't they - I'm glad the fires aren't near you

  2. Morning! Good idea to have this post today. Hope you didn't loose power. Beautiful display of quilts. Our Walbridge Fire up here flared up last night causing mandatory evacuations. Now there's a new fire in Willits. Have friends that were evacuated. Prayers for all.

  3. Oh Lynn,
    Do be safe! Your Scrappy Maple Leaves is gorgeous!! Do you happen to remember the name of the book? They do turn up on eBay...

  4. Good luck, and thank goodness for generators!!! Stay safe, and we'll be looking forward to hearing from you when you are on the other side of this!! Hugs!!!!!

  5. I sure hope you have that wooden box lined with some old sheets so the quilts are not up against raw wood, to discolor and leach acid from the wood into the quilts and weaken the fabrics. Beautiful!


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