Friday, September 11, 2020

Country Courthouse is Home

Hello Everyone,

Her journey across the pond to France has come to a conclusion.  Country Courthouse is home after being photographed for QuiltMania magazine.  If quilts could talk, I wonder what she could tell me about her travels.

I received a notice from QuiltMania that they were shipping her back via FedEx on Sept. 4th.  I received the box on the 8th.  It took less time to go from France to the west coast of the US, than a first class letter going 100 miles within the United States.  My Etsy orders are taking forever to ship, and it's becoming very frustrating.

The QuiltMania edition with my quilt, should be out any day now.  I can't wait to see it.  I keep checking my post office box every day, but so far no luck.  It will probably be delivered by the Pony Express a month from now.  Carrier pigeon maybe???

Thank you all for your delightful comments about our anniversary. Someone mentioned how interesting it is that random events can change the course of your life. In our case, that random event was the best thing that ever happened. The anniversary fun continued last night when our neighbors invited us over for dinner, complete with cake and four candles, one for each decade.

I'm sure that you've seen the horrific pictures of the fires, and the blanket of smoke over California.  We haven't seen the sun in days, maybe even weeks.  The temperatures have dropped from 100 degrees during the day to the low 70's. The smoke is keeping the temperatures down, but it is making for difficult breathing.  The rains can't come soon enough.  Pray for rain for California, and Oregon.

We are under this huge plume of smoke.



  1. is your quilt pattern in the magazine too - or photos only? This one looks very interesting - sorry about the smoke! my daughter lives a little southwest of LA and she said they are getting a lot of smoke too

    1. The pattern is in the magazine too Karen, along with pictures.

  2. I don't think I've ever seen that setting before. It's FABULOUS. Those little 9 patches sparkle. Also, love the quilting - lots and lots of texture enhancing the piecing.
    Stay safe and healthy.

    1. Well thank you! I try to be a bit different with my designs. Classic with a bit of a twist. Thank you for commenting.

  3. I'm so glad I subscribed to the magazine this year! :-) And so glad your quilt made it safely home!!! And I saw a similar pic of the fires from the satelite: it's jaw-dropping how much smoke there is!!! We haven't seen the sun in days either. I keep hoping for rain too!!! Hugs, H

  4. Happy Anniversary !! We too are celebrating our 48th this October. I have to share how my husband and I met as well. I was just 13 and my husband 2 1/2 yrs older. His mom belonged to a group called Parents without Partners. Their group and families came to a horse camp to ride the trails. My horse club brought our horsed that day as well as an outing and to ride. His group met up with our club to share a picnic. Needless to say my husband did not like horses. Anyway when people ask me where my husband and I met, I don't say riding horses I tell them Hell ! Yes the horse stables were in Hell, Michigan !! Hell Creek Riding Stables ! Pam, Pinckney, Michigan.

  5. Hello. Good luck with the fires. What issue of quiltmania is your quilt in will definitely have to buy

  6. What a beautiful quilt! I’m keeping an eye out for the magazine. And I feel your pain about the post office and Etsy orders. I ordered something that has been marked “late delivery” with no updates since September 4th. And I have been taking the orders I fill for my business directly to the Post Office after discovering that the mail carriers in my neighborhood don’t always scan my packages into the system upon pickup. Since holiday surcharges on packages will be imposed starting in Mid-October, hopefully service will improve for the upcoming shopping season.

  7. Fin de la semaine dernière j'ai reçu mon numéro de Quiltmania et j'ai pu y admirer ta couette mieux encore que sur les photos de ton blog.
    Félicitations et tu mérites amplement que tes ouvrages soient publiés dans des magazines de patchwork.
    Ce soir, j'ai entendu à la TV que des poussières de cendres sont arrivées jusqu'en Belgique. Je ne peux m'imaginer ce que les incendies provoquent chez vous.


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