Monday, September 7, 2020

Social Distancing

Hello Everyone,

The highlight of our Labor Day weekend was watching our grandson play in a baseball tournament in the hot, central valley of California.  The boys were playing at a private ball field in an almond orchard, across the street from a dairy farm.  I loved this sign!  It really gets the point across about social distancing. Someone has a great sense of humor at this, "if you build it, they will come" ball field.

Since we were across the street from a dairy farm, there were a lot of flies.....and I don't mean fly balls either!  This was the first time our grandson has played since February.  The first game of the season, he chipped his kneecap sliding into 3rd. To add insult to injury, he was tagged out.

He had some brilliant plays as catcher, and when he played 3rd base.  He had some not so brilliant plays in the outfield.  The ball just popped in and out of his mitt.....a couple of times.  Our son was holding his head in his hands.

The team is comprised of 11 and 12 year old boys.  What an assortment of shapes and sizes.  Some look like young men and are probably shaving, while others are still holding onto their baby fat in their faces.  There were flashes of the "Bad News Bears" movie throughout the day.  Everyone was a little rusty, and hesitant.  We wouldn't have missed this tournament for the world.  We love to support our grandson, and our son.  We love to cheer the team on no matter what the outcome.  The boys played their hearts out in the oppressive heat, while the fans melted into puddles in the stands. 

Now let's talk about oppressive heat. I read a headline last night about the "kiln-like" heat that California is experiencing.  Yesterday, on our 2-hour drive back to the cabin, the outside temperature registered 111 degrees.  It was 101 when we got back to the cabin, and this is very unusual at our elevation. We've only seen temps this high one other time in the past 20 years.

High winds are predicted for tonight through tomorrow.  That's just what we need during our current fire season.  We've received multiple calls from our power supplier that our power will most likely be turned off today and tomorrow for safety reasons.  We will crank up our generator during the day even though it's so noisy it will shake the fillings out of your teeth.  Over time, you do get used to it.

We will spend a bit of time today preparing for our "fire drill".  Most things are packed and ready to go from the last time this happened.  Mr. Joe will get the gas tanks topped off, and get money from the ATM.  We will have our bugger out bag by the front door tonight.  The fun just never ends living on the edge in California.



  1. Lordy, let's hope there's a change in the weather that will help reduce the fire dangers out there. Meanwhile, stay safe and keep quilting.

    1. I hope the weather changes too. I would love to have a foot of snow on the ground.....I'll even take a quarter inch of rain!

  2. Wow that is super hot. I am glad your grandson got a chance to play, and everyone did fine with the heat, even though they were uncomfortable. Hope his knee is okay. Stay safe!

    1. His knew is okay now. He chipped it back in February, so he's had a long time to recover. We will try and stay safe. We've closed up the cabin for the day to keep the hot air out.

  3. I'm sure your great sense of humor has served you well over the years.

    1. Thank you for your comment Kathy. We have to laugh at ourselves and not take things too seriously. Except the fires......those I take very seriously.

  4. Hot here too, in Watsonville. 108 yesterday, and hubby endured softball practice in that heat. Me, I sat in front of the sewing machine all day, with the fan three feet away, pointed at my head. And sewed. Meanwhile praying for no more fires.

    1. 108 in Watsonville must be a record! Keep on quilting Sandy.

  5. I know, it's so hot!!!! We went to the coast just to get to a tolerable heat (we sat up by an empty lot in gualala where we could see the ocean, but not be involved with the people on the beach.) it was so lovely!! And then tonight one of the fires kicked up again and there is an evacuation order again (not for us, but the people a few miles to the west of us). I feel so bad for them: the second evacuation for them in 2 weeks!!! I hope this heat spell ends quickly!! Good luck tomorrow with the generator running!! I hope it cools quickly for you too! Hugs, H

    1. Hasn't the heat been intense! It has finally cooled down here. We can open the doors and windows, but then the house smells so smoky. Take care Helen.

  6. Hier au soir j'ai vu à la télévision que les incendies continuent à faire rage en Californie et que les habitants de certaines régions pourraient être privés d'électricité. Je pense beaucoup à toi. Je ne sais pas où tu te trouves exactement mais une telle situation (chaleur et incendies) doit être angoissante.
    Prends soin de toi et des tiens.

    1. Merci beaucoup d’avoir pensé à nous Monique. Les feux brûlent tout autour de nous, mais pas dans ma zone immédiate. La fumée est intense. Notre électricité a été coupée pendant deux jours par mesure de sécurité. La saison des incendies s’aggrave chaque année.


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