Saturday, September 12, 2020

Extra, Extra, Read All About It!

Hello Everyone,

I received my digital copy of QuiltMania yesterday, and here she is in all her glory!

She's not the centerfold, so she doesn't have a staple in her navel!  I was surprised to see her in a very contemporary setting.  I guess it's to showcase the fact that it works in this setting as well as on my log bed, in my log home.

The issue is #139, and is available online right now.  I'll get my paper copy soon, I hope.  Both the digital copy and the hard copy contain the pattern for her.

This pattern is an excellent use of scraps, since the blocks are made up of 1" strips.  I know you all have a ton of 1" strips.  I never throw anything away, and I incorporated many little pieces that probably should have been tossed out. Nothing goes to waste here.

I'll make a cup of coffee and sit down with my digital copy today, and pour through it.  Thank you QuiltMania for selecting my quilt to display in your gorgeous magazine. I am so honored.



  1. Such a lovely presentation of your masterpiece Lynn. I'm thinking that you are going to enjoy that cup of coffee!

  2. Your little girl is all grown up now and a seasoned traveler! And that makes you an international sensation, Lynn! Congratulations!

    1. Yes, she is a well-traveled girl. If only she could talk about her travels.

  3. That quilt is so lovely! Congratulations.

  4. Finally seeing your quilt in print was worth the wait!!! Congratulations Lynn!!! A well deserved recognition!!! xoxoxo

    1. For me too Paula. It seems as though I've known about this forever, and it finally happened.

  5. Oh Lynn so happy for you - you have come a long way just since I have been following you! Beautiful quilt! I am still waiting on that basket pattern! (LOL)

    1. I may just surprise you one of these days with that basket pattern!

  6. Congratulations on such a lovely quilt being international!!

  7. Congratulations on being published! It is a beautiful quilt, and it does look like a great way to use scraps.

    1. Thank you!. Yes, you use up a ton of 1" scraps in this quilt.

  8. Hand quilting my Cute as a Button-just a small fraction of this beautiful quilt. Just lovely!! Congrats to you!!

    1. I'd love to have you send me a picture Donna!

  9. j'ai acheté le quiltmania n°139 juste pour faire votre couette... j'ai suivi sa création sur le blog et je suis tombée en amour devant cette merveille!!!!merci Lynn

    1. Merci beaucoup pour vos aimables paroles Dany. Si jamais vous avez des questions, je suis juste un e-mail loin.

  10. merci Lynn pour cette merveille, j'ai acheté ce matin le Quiltmania n° 139 pour la réaliser!!!! j'ai suivi sa création sur le blog et j'adore, j'adore!
    à bientôt, Dany


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