Friday, September 4, 2020

Folk Art Flannels

Hello Everyone,

In between all that is going on here at Wilder's Last Resort, my box of fabric arrived from Henry Glass & Company.  This means I'm putting on my Madam Ambassador hat. The box was full of Folk Art Flannels by One Sister Designs.  

The box contained 21 yards of flannel!  I think the cabin is going to have a new "cabiny" quilt on display.  The fabric is a very soft, 2-ply flannel.  My new design will be unfolding during this month.

I made a test block first to see how accurate I could make 1" HST with flannel.  I was pleasantly surprised that the technique of making 8 HST triangles at a time worked beautifully using 2-ply flannel.  The technique is located here in my Virtual Classroom.  I will try to get the other block that is in the design made today, before I proceed any further. 

I'm also writing the directions for my "Crossing the Pond" pattern.  There is a lot of attention to detail in that design.  I'm checking and double-checking every word and calculations on every page.  Luckily, my career prepared me for precise detail, the ability to make my own graphics, and tie it all together into a pattern. 

On another note, the painters should finish staining the cabin today.  Once the process is finished, and we get the decks put back together with everything in place, I will post pictures.  Now the cabin looks fresh, and squeaky clean. It looks like a new cabin.

Our grandson is supposed to play in a baseball tournament this weekend. The team hasn't played since February. The games are about a 1-1/2 hour drive away from us.  We plan on going even though it is supposed to be 110 degrees!  Hopefully we can find a tree to sit under. The first game is at 8am, so that game should be survivable,  The 10:30am game may be a different story.  I wouldn't be at all surprised if the games were cancelled.  If I get cold, I can wrap myself up in the 21 yards of flannel.......NOT!

Madam Ambassador


  1. It's gonna be another winner, Lynn!
    Safe travels to the game, good luck to the team, then welcome back to the freshly stained cabin!!!!

    1. Thanks Paula. This quilt is going to be considerably easier than the last one!

  2. Congratulations to Henry Glass & Co. for being so wise and fortunate to have found you to be their Madam Ambassador. Your use of their fabrics is a gift to them and to us.

    1. You are so sweet Fran. Thank you. Big hug for you!

  3. Encore un beau projet. Je n'ai jamais travaillé la flanelle mais a priori c'est une matière qui ne me tente pas, en tout cas telle que je la connais.
    J'espère que ton petit-fils et son équipe gagneront la partie.

    1. C’est seulement la deuxième fois que je travaille avec de la flanelle. Il a été très facile à reconstituer avec elle, et très précis car il n’est pas étirement. L’équipe de notre petit-fils a perdu les matchs, mais il semblait s’amuser. Prends soin de toi.

  4. Morning! I agree with Paula. Love the colors of the flannels and that flannel is easy to work with. Have a great weekend and stay cool.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you Jeanne. I'm amazed at how easy it is to work with flannel.


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