Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Crossing the Pond

Hello Everyone,

My new "Crossing the Pond" pattern is heading to the printer today.

This picture is a rendering from my EQ8 software of the entire quilt.  After I quilt it, I will do a photo shoot, and post the pictures.  In the meantime, this image is going to be on the cover of the pattern. 

I love this quilt!  In the event of an evacuation due to fire, this quilt is going to be the second thing packed in the car.  Mazey will go into the car first, since she is my irreplaceable fur baby.

This was a very big project, designing, making, and writing the directions to make this heirloom quilt.  I worked on it tirelessly through potential evacuations, power shut-offs, and my role and obligations to Henry Glass Fabrics. 

My next, and last big step is trying to decide how I'm going to quilt it.  My wool batting just arrived, so I can't put this off any longer.

The quilt finishes at 82" x 82".  The blocks finish at 10".  When the sashing is added, the blocks are 16".  This quilt has everything from intense piecing, to applique, and my scallops are scalloped!  I pulled out all of the stops on this design.

The fabric is called "Journey to America" by Judie Rothermel for Marcus Fabrics.  The fabric commemorates the 400th anniversary of the crossing of the Mayflower.  My desire was to design a memorable quilt for a monumental event in the history of our country.

I've heard from many of you who had ancestors on the Mayflower.  It has been fascinating reading and reflecting on your comments.

I can't sit back and put my feet up yet, as my work is still cut out for me over the next few weeks.  I'll get the backing made, and then do minimal marking of the quilt.  Hopefully my free-motion mojo will kick in, and I'll set sail navigating my long arm across the expanse of the quilt.



  1. it's very pretty I can see why it would be put in the car quickly if you need to leave

    1. After all of the effort this quilt took, it goes where I go!

  2. She's beautiful. Enjoy your sail, Lynn!! Can't wait to your quilting when she "docks"!!!

    1. I just have to muster the courage to start quilting. Once I get going, I'm usually fine. It's that first pass that's always the most crucial.

  3. I’ll be standing next to Paula at the dock!!!

  4. Your quilt is beautiful! Happy stitching!

  5. Lynn, It is just stunning! I suggest you send pictures to the whatever organization is handling the 400th Anniversary celebration. If there IS a celebration! Thing just ain’t like they used to be....

    1. I'll keep than in mind Diane, once I finish quilting. Thank you for commenting.

  6. This quilt is beautiful! I could spend a long time just looking at are so creative and the fabric is stunning.

  7. It is beautiful Lynn! Now I have that fabric in my cart: thanks!! I think the pattern has too many parts for me to realistically think that I would finish it, but I haven't made Little Orphan Scrappy yet, and I think that would be something that I might actually be able to finish! :-)


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