Monday, November 19, 2018

Stitch Paradise Back Together

 Hello Everyone,

After days of hand wringing, worry, and sleepless nights, I've decided what I can do to help in the effort to repair lives torn apart in the incomprehensible destruction of my hometown of Paradise during the Camp Fire. I am going to raffle off my Emilie Elizabeth quilt.

The quilt measures 76" x 76". She is gorgeous if I do say so myself!  She is named after my maternal grandmother, Emilie Elizabeth Ross, who also lived in Paradise in the 1950's and 60's. 

 I deigned, made, and machine quilted this quilt.  My sister Gail helped me make this quilt, so it was a joint effort.  We had a tight deadline to make the quilt and ship it off to Marcus Fabrics, so it could hang in the Marcus booth in Houston during the 2014 Quilt Market.

Click HERE to read a post about us making this quilt.  Gail was a guest blogger and it is pretty funny reading.

Since we made this quilt together, and we both lost our hometown and family home together, I think this is the best quilt to donate to the cause.

So here are the particulars.  ALL monies received will go directly to the relief of Paradise residents.  The renters of our family home are in dire need of assistance.  Every childhood friend, except for one, lost everything in the fire. The lines for FEMA are long.  The rains are coming. People I know are living in tents or their cars. 

Tickets are $5.00 each.  I can't accept credit cards because I'm keeping this effort totally separate from my business.  I would prefer checks so there is a paper trail, and this process is totally transparent.  Your check is your receipt for income tax purposes.

Upon receipt of your check, I will enter your name and information into an Excel spreadsheet.  You will be assigned a number(s), and I will email them to you.  I don't want to waste money on postage or envelopes.  I plan to draw the winner of the quilt through a random number generator mid-January.

Please make checks payable to Lynn Wilder and send to:

Lynn Wilder
P.O. Box 3236
Arnold, CA  95223-3236

In the memo part of the check, in the left hand corner please write "Stitch Paradise Back Together"

As money comes in, I will distribute it directly to those in need.  I will keep you posted on amounts collected and disbursed.

Together, we can lighten the hearts of some of the family at a time.

If you are in a guild, please share this information via social media.  If you have any questions, please email me:

Let's do this together quilters! 



  1. A great and loving idea, Lynn. I will send off a check and pray that you reap large donations for your town's people. This beautiful and sweet quilt is a wonderful offering. We are all looking for ways to help.

  2. Wonderful post, Lynn! Grandma would be so proud and pleased that you, and the quilt named after her, are helping our friends in our hometown of Paradise in this loving way!

  3. Love your choice...and the fact that the two of you created it together. What a gift of love to all those friends in Paradise ❤️

  4. Lynn, this is such a wonderful idea! My check is in the mail and my heart is with you and your family and friends. The devastation is beyond my comprehension.

  5. Bless you for doing this. I will pass the word along to quilters I know.

  6. Wonderful idea Lynn!! Thanks for thinking of giving even when you have also lost. I'll be sending out a check to you asap. Paul is happy to help, and he heard today that there is a place in Chico, a large industrial building that they are opening up so people can go there and set up their tents and be out of the rain. I hope all of your readers contribute to this!! Hugs, H

  7. Very well thought out Lynn… Wonderful idea, with such so meaning, love and tears for your childhood town. I will send you a check soon. Nancy Switzer

  8. Great idea Lynn. I would be glad to contribute. Denise Riendeau

  9. All it takes is one person to rally many -- thank you for doing this.

  10. What a fabulous idea! I'm going to send you a check tomorrow!
    Thanks for your efforts.

  11. Beautiful action to help those who have lost so much. Check is in the mailbox. XO

  12. Thank you for this beautiful quilt and beautiful act. I also grew up in Paradise--before you were there. The fire is heartbreaking though nothing can destroy my memories. Prayers for those who are living through such great losses.

  13. May I ask is this open to UK residents, if so, I will share.

  14. Discovered your blog through Humble Quilts - will be sending off a check tomorrow. Your quilt is stunning and anyone who receives it will appreciate its beauty and know that it benefited the people of Paradise.

  15. Lovely quilt for such a good cause! I'll send a check today!

  16. A member posted on Machine Quilting Professionals, so I shared a link back to your blog on Facebook.

  17. I have a couple of friends who lost their homes in two of the recent fires though neither in Paradise. I would love to help the cause and will mail my check tomorrow.

  18. I haven’t read anywhere about the date for the drawing for the quilt, which impacts how late we can still send a check for a raffle ticket. ???date??

    1. it states in her story it will be mid January

  19. I will share this (read it on The Quilt Show) with my Monday Quilters in Gridley, and hopefully they will pass it on to the Yuba City Guild. Bless you for helping out. We in Butte County have seen an outpouring of love and support like never before.

    1. Thank you so much Judith! I know some of the quilter in the Yuba City Guild. Yes, the care and concern for the residents in Paradise has been wonderful. We have to keep the momentum going long after the Holidays.

  20. Janet Helen Hargis-RobertsDecember 30, 2018 at 11:16 AM

    Thank you for doing this. I lived in Paradise from 1971-1979. My family and friends were affected.


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