Thursday, August 20, 2020

Crossing the Pond Update

Ahoy Mateys,

This week, I've been totally focused on my new design called Crossing the Pond.  I will have the quilt top together today, minus the borders, if I really "turn to". (AKA get to work!)

My original design for the ship in the center of the quilt was quite different than what I actually ended up doing.  During the mini-retreat at my sister's cabin last week, my friend Paula suggested I do a reverse applique.  I thought that was brilliant, so that's what I did.  I will fill the off-white with beautiful quilting when the time comes. 

I worked last night until the sun was over the yardarm.  Late enough to have a drink.  I was pooped by the end of the day between the heat, the smoke, and the intense time spent in my quilting room.

 I took this picture from the stairs at the back of the garage around 6pm yesterday.  That angry, yellow sun was on display all day long while it watched our state burn.  Currently, there aren't any fires in my immediate area, but there is a thick layer of drift smoke from the fires all around us.  It was dark, gloomy, and smoky for the entire day.  Look how dark it was at 6pm!

We keep our lots ship shape, and follow the guidelines of CalFire and our homeowners association.  But when a fire gets up in the trees, no amount of raking is going to make a difference.  Yesterday I had the strong feeling that I should pack up the quilts, and have them ready to leave the house at a moments notice.  Last night I was reading about the fires, and a fire chief suggested that all Californians should be ready to leave.  Your car should be parked facing out, and have your evacuation plans ready.  I'm going to put my thoughts into action today, and try to be a bit more prepared and proactive.

My county is going backwards during the re-opening.  Now, more businesses are being asked to close as the virus cases keep going up.  This is getting very old.  I can't believe we've been sheltering in place since March.  We've ventured out a few times.....but not many. 

We have fires, and a pandemic.  Are locusts next????



  1. Paula’s idea is brilliant, Lynn...just wish your skies were a better shade of brilliant. We know you and Joe will be ready, but we hope the time doesn’t come to leave! Yes, this is so old, but our cases have ballooned as well...oh, but to take things back to the simpler life when they were crossing the pond!

    1. Nothing is simple anymore is it? The apocalyptic lightning storms with over 10,000 lightning strikes in 72 hours caused this current catastrophic event. Smoky again today, but not as bad as yesterday.

  2. At the urging of my family, my car and I are packed and prepared. Your suggestion about the quilts is a good one that I hadn't considered.
    Crossing The Pond is another of your best. Keep the faith, my friend - this too shall pass.

    1. You have to save your beautiful quilts Fran. These are scary times which will pass after the first rains arrive. Take care my friend.

  3. Your quilt is going to be beautiful. Having great fabric always helps.
    I'm sure that with your personal connection to the Paradise fire it makes the reality of a fire that much worse. When I think about what I would grab on my way out the door I always hope I'm still strong enough to grab the quilt rack my son made that has quilts on it that both my mom and I made.
    Three generations of memories in one load.
    Stay safe, stay healthy.

    1. You are so right about my personal connection to Paradise. We are filling the cars up with gas, and have things ready to load in by the front door. The new quilt is one of the items that is going with me.

  4. I know how you feel! The fire is close to us here, so I packed up my important papers, photo files (luckily my daughter spent countless hours scanning our photos after the fire in 2017), and jewelry, and wrote out a list so I can think straight. Last fall I couldn't think well, my mind was so full of anxiety as I packed! I'm hoping the list will be a big help! Take care (and yes, quilts are on the list!!) :-)

    1. I've been thinking of you and your location Helen. Scary, and stressful times.

  5. Seriously, Lynn! I'm waiting for the locusts!!! The smoke is nasty in the valley, but I am thankful we are safe.I pray you will be as well. Smooth sailing to the finish of your quilt.

    1. Thank you Julie. The new quilt is packed, along with the extra fabric so I can finish it.

  6. Emergency plans are always good to have in place not matter what the situation (here it is floods). I wish and pray for your safety.

  7. I pray that your area is spared Lynn!
    I agree with you that it is time for the 7 states to come out and live - Herd Immunity is what is needed now -of course if one is elderly (N homes) they need to stay in.
    But it is time. Texas is open - even with the increase, it is now going down. Is it 2022 yet?
    Beautiful new quilt!

  8. We're almost completely surrounded by the fires in the Bay Area - smoke and small particles of ash. It's hard to fathom all of it although it's right in front of us.
    I'm so glad that the center ship block turned out so well. This quilt is absolutely beautiful. I've been cited by traffic officers in the past but never cited like this and this one is my favorite!!

    1. I'm going to "cite" you for being a great friend with good ideas too, Paula.

  9. Ici, en Belgique nous entendons aux informations qu'il y a des feux en Californie. J'ai bien du mal à m'imaginer la sensation que l'on doit ressentir dans de pareille situation. Mes pensées vont vers toi.

    1. Merci pour votre commentaire. Les incendies sont si mauvais, je ne suis pas surpris que vous entendiez parler d’eux en Belgique. Il y a tellement de personnes qui sont déplacées en cette période horrible pendant la pandémie. C’est très effrayant.


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