Monday, August 17, 2020

Betsy's Blessing Blocks

Hello Everyone,

I put about 30 of these little blocks together last week.  It is a very simple Churn Dash block using only scraps from my bin full of Betsy Chutchian fabrics.

I'll put a tutorial together this week for the sashing section.  The sashing finishes at 1".  The little red stars are going to twinkle across the wall hanging or tabletopper.

I can see an entire bed quilt comprised of these cute of these days.  I have only 6 more blocks to put together to make this complete.  I like to occasionally make a small project to add to my collection of designs.  This one is going to be as sweet as it can be.

The blocks are on display on the island in our kitchen.  Mr. Joe made this from a tree that was harvested just down the street from us.  He spent weeks sanding and staining.  It is a huge slab of tree, and I love it!

Those of you who have been following my blog know that my twin granddaughters are involved in FFA.  This year, at the online FFA auction, we bought one of the pigs they raised. Since we bought an entire pig, we had to buy a freezer.  These are the most expensive pork chops EVER!  Who knew how hard it was going to be to buy a freezer.  Did you know they are in short supply due to the pandemic?  The earliest we could have one delivered was the middle of November.  So, we bought the floor model at a store about 45 minutes away from us.  I wanted an upright, but the one we found is a big, honkin' chest freezer.  The arrival of the freezer meant we had to clean the garage and make room for it.  We soon discovered that when you lean over the freezer to get something from the bottom, it would be easy to tip over and end up in it!  If you don't hear from me in a few days......check the freezer.

We drove out of the county last Friday to pick up the pig at the processing plant about 2 hours from the cabin.  This was the biggest outing for us since March.  We discovered there's a whole world out there that actually seemed quite normal.  On our journey, we stopped by Cloth and Quilts in Hilmar, CA.  Ann finished making the shop sample of my "Christmas Ribbons" quilt, and they have a couple of kits left HERE.  You could have this one made in time for the Holidays.

It has been insufferably hot here in the mountains as we are in the grip of a days-long heat wave with no end in the foreseeable future. Yesterday is was downright scary with the wind and the heat.  We are in the peak of fire season, and we are holding our breath until the rains come.  We don't have air conditioning, so we exist like two slugs sitting in front of the fan.  Luckily my sewing room is the coolest room in the house, so I tend to spend a lot of time in it. Mr. Joe visited me often. If it is as bad today as yesterday, I may be checking out spending some time in the freezer!

This week I'm setting sail on my "Crossing the Pond" design.  I made huge headway last week, and hope to again this week.



  1. Oh Lynn, Bob and I are sitting here giggling after reading there room in the freezer for us as well? We’re in the100’s here! At least you’ll have plenty of pork to grill outside until it cools off and make sure to put a big, bear-proof padlock on your new A/C, er....freezer!

    1. No kidding, we haven't seen a heat wave like this in a long time. Now I must remember not to complain when we get two feet of snow!

  2. I LOVE these blocks! Your fabric choices are just great, Lynn.

    I too have a big chest husband's choice....I wanted an upright! There are hunters in the family so it is usually stocked with venison. Defrosting is his job.....I wanted a self-defrosting model too!

    I know you worry for fire threat. Two years ago our Colorado cabin was barely saved from a dreadful fire that destroyed so many homes and forested areas. Good luck! Hope you get a change in the weather soon. Imagine how happy we are today in central Texas, where it has been in the 105 degree range for two weeks, to have a "cold front"! Our high today is to be 95! It is like a blessing!

    I love your blog!

    1. I forgot to mention that mine has to be defrosted too. I may die first before that gets done. Stay cool in Texas, Carol.

  3. cute churn dash blocks but i oh so love the christmas ribbons...if i had time i'd make one for myself...

  4. Oh Lynn ... you’re cracking me up, yet again! I keep picturing you in your freezer, and like Candace, I’m ready to join you! (as I sit here like a slug in front of our pathetic little fan ~ )

    1. Fans just aren't very effective during this heat wave. Mine is pathetic too.

  5. Oh, and your little churn dash blocks are adorable!

  6. The Churns are cute!
    You know, I do believe that this is the 1929 Depression (hoarding time) for the younger generation!

    Carol is lucky - it is 109 here in South Texas on our back porch - A/C bill was $370 last month, then a unit went out boy that was fun - but it was in the bedroom and we had plenty to keep us fairly cool at night. I feel for you with no a/c! Stay as cool as you can - check the freezer each hour! LOL

  7. I think you are right about the hoarding. It is also hard to find freezer storage bags.

    This certainly is an extended heat wave with no end in sight. At least it cools off at night....a little.


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