Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Cutie Patootie Blocks

 Hello Everyone,

It was a great day yesterday making these cute little blocks.

By the end of the day, I had a nice pile of thirty blocks.  The HST, and strip sets were already made.  I just had to sew the blocks together.

I cut, and made some sashing sections, and I like the look.  I'm going to stick with this setting.

 It's my turn to cook this morning for our mini-retreat of three people, so I have to scoot and tie my apron on. 



  1. These really are cute blocks. I'm curious to see what you do with them.

    1. I love making these blocks so much, that I want to keep making them! But, this is most likely going to become a wall hanging. I've even thought about adding some applique in the borders. We shall see!

  2. These are sew cute! I can see them being like potato chips - can't stop at one. Thank you for the special extras in my pattern order - my Fall projects.

    1. You are so right about the little blocks! You are welcome for your little "extras". You've been very supportive for many years, and I appreciate that more than you know, Sharon.


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