Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Patchwork Math Workshop

Hello Everyone,
This is a picture of a fun group of quilters from the Pine Tree Quilt Guild in Grass Valley, CA.  We are in front of the best design wall EVER!  It was a room divider which we converted to a design wall.

Once the girls made some of the components, they started to play.

They were a great group of women.

Each of them went home with a pile of components and hopefully a brain full of quilting knowledge.

I've been a bit slow posting all of my latest activities.  Both Mr. Joe and I have a bad head cold.  Mine has taken up residence in my chest.  I couldn't attend my Sew'n Wild Oaks class on Tuesday.  I don't think I have missed a class in the last 9 years!  I missed spending a fun day with "my girls".  I hope to be up and functional soon, and have my normal voice return.  Right now I'm doing my best impersonation of a lusty Lauren Bacall in between bouts of coughing.

We have a fire going in the wood-burning stove on this wonderful raining day in the mountains.  It sounds like we are going to be in for a barn burner of a rainstorm tonight.  It's going to be cozy inside while listening to the torrential rain.

I haven't been doing too much sewing.  When I feel like it, I've been working on my Etsy site.  I'll be migrating all of my patterns to the site under the name of Sew'n Wild Oaks Designs.  I get so many emails from quilters who want to buy my patterns, now it will be much easier for them......and me.  It takes me awhile to load in all of the pictures of each quilt and the pertinent information.  My goal is to add one or two patterns per day.  First I had to figure out how to set everything up.  When you have been popping tons of cold medications, your brain isn't always hitting on all cylinders.  I think I finally have this figured out and my storefront is ready for business.

Enjoy your day and the weather in your neck of the woods.  My neck of the woods is pretty soggy, which is just fine with me.



  1. Yay for the Etsy shop! And I sure hope you are feeling better soon. It's good to get it over with before the holidays ;-) You beat the rush!

  2. Sorry to hear you are under the weather. Hope you feel better soon.

  3. I'm sure the ladies in Grass Valley will be churning out new designs faster than they can think them! Feel better soon, you two. What better place to recuperate than in the cozy cabin! Congratulation on your Etsy site, too! I've already made it a favorite!

  4. HI Lynn, hope you are feeling better. Missed you yesterday, but did some stuff at home to get ready for my ruler class tomorrow. Congrats on your store front on Esty. Guess I will no longer have excuses for not going there. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving with your family. Suzanne
