Thursday, May 19, 2016

A Very Full Day

Hello Everyone,

It is only 6:15pm Wednesday night and we are back in our hotel room for the night.  I would take a picture of Gail sound asleep on the couch, but she might shoot me if I posted it.  This beautiful bouquet of flowers greeted us in the entrance hall downstairs this morning.  Gorgeous!

Our day started with a nice breakfast with our cousins, and a scenic tour of some of the impressive areas of Salt Lake City.

 There are beautiful iris growing everywhere around the city.

 First stop, Pine Needles quilt shop. Beautiful displays, very colorful, and modern style.

 Second stop, Elaine's Quilt.  This shop was right up my alley.

Then we headed over to the Salt Palace, the location for Quilt Market.  Since we had exhibitor badges, we were allowed into the exhibitor area.  We dodged fork lifts and boxes and found our way around the hall.

It was full of huge crates and people unpacking and arranging.  I'm sure many of them are going to pull an all-nighter.
We turned a corner and there was Heritage, in the Christmas area of the Marcus Fabrics booth.

She is looking very good already and they aren't finished by any means.

Lisa, also another employee at In Between Stitches has her Birdwalk quilt on display!!  I was so excited to see Lisa's quilt.  What are the chance that two designers from the same shop have a quilt in the same booth at Market!

Now, I'm trying not to totally freak out......but I'm speaking right after Jinny Beyer.  JINNY BEYER!!! 

Now I'm starting to get nervous, so we went to Temple Square for inspiration, tranquility, and a few prayers.  Thursday night we are not going to attend Sample Spree.  Instead, we are going to watch a rehearsal of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  I'm expecting to leave the rehearsal totally refreshed and awestruck.

More to come.



  1. Aaaahhhhh! How fabulous is your photo journaling of beautiful SLC! Love that you and Lisa are representing our IBS!

  2. Remember to breathe!!!!! And maybe Jinny Beyer is thinking "I'm just before LYNN WILDER!!!"

  3. Beautiful flowers, good looking Ethel and Lucy, and the quilt looks great - Am I jealous - ah no! (ah - yes) Do some deep breathing exercises and just remember "you can do it"! How exciting!
    I agree with Paula B.

  4. Oh yes, the Bird Walk pattern is very nice! Congrat's to you both!

  5. I am feeling the excitement! You'll be awesome ar schoolhouse!

  6. You gals look fabulous! The start of the booth and that pretty Christmas corner is awesome. I think I would skip the melee of sample spree, too. Your choice of venue is much more appealing.

  7. I'm so glad you have been able to see some of the sights in SLC and got to see the Tabernacle Choir tonight!!! I love to hear them sing (I may be partial though, since I'm mormon!) :-) And you will do great in Schoolhouse: I've heard you talk before and you have a wonderful presence and beautiful quilts to show, and a wonderful sense of humor! You can't fail!!! And go look up Sherri McConnell of A quilting Life: she is such a sweet person and I know you will enjoy getting to know her. Her style is different than yours, but you both are such dear and sweet people. I don't know what booth she and her daughter are in, but she designs for Moda. Have fun tomorrow!!! Big hugs to you, and tell Gail hi for me!


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