Wednesday, May 18, 2016

To Market, To Market

Hello Everyone,
The eagle has landed in Salt Lake.  Here we are taking off from Oakland yesterday morning.  Gail told me we had a good flight.....I slept most of the way.

The great Salt Lake is very impressive from the ground and the air.

We are staying at the Grand America.  But first we had to get here.  I rented a car at the airport and was immediately upgraded (at no extra charge)  to a full-size Ford Explorer instead of a Rav 4.  The problem began when the cute little attendant handed me the non-key for the keyless entry.  I didn't know how to start the car.....not a clue.  I was clueless to the keyless.

We got that figured out then faced the task of getting ourselves and Big Red, the SUV out of the airport.  I can tell you that Gail and I know our way around the rental car parking lot like the back of our hand.  We ended up at the exact same place where we started from.  Good thing I purchased that extra tank of gas.

We finally got out of the parking lot and proceeded to the hotel. Gail was my co-pilot, the other half of the Lucy and Ethel team.  At one point in time she had her phone in her hand looking at the map, and the other hand had the written directions from the hotel.  We made it here without taking a single U-turn.

You walk in the hotel and are greeted by the fragrance from this LARGE, at least four feet across, bouquet.  I thought I had just arrived in Hawaii.

We headed out last night to have dinner with our cousin Rick and his wife Gabi.  Gail had my phone in one hand with a picture of the map, she had her phone in her other hand with the step by step directions.  I now know what GPS stands for.......Gail's Palm System!

We made it there and back without an issue.  Today we are off to visit some quilt shops, breakfast with our cousin, then pick up our credentials to get in the show and we are set for two more days of fun.



  1. Good times ahead!!!
    Lynn and Gail take Salt Lake!!!

  2. You've hit the big times! Truly enjoy the whole experience. I look forward to more about market and your time there.

  3. I just know you two will have a blast! Tell Ethel to just have Siri talk you through the much easier! Can't wait to hear all about it! Sew'n Wild Oaks will be a huge hit!

  4. That hotel looks GRAND alright!! Very beautiful!! Have fun! Are you showing any of your patterns or your patchwork math book? Go take a tour through Temple Square: it's extra beautiful this time of year. They outdo themselves on the gardens! Hugs, H

  5. Wow! Looks like you are staying in a pretty nice place! Enjoy the market!

  6. I had to smile at the 'clueless keyless' comment - same thing happened to us last year on a trip to Florida. Red-faced we had to go back and get an attendant to give us a tutorial. Your digs are gorgeous - that floral arrangement just a beautiful welcome. Have (more) fun!

  7. Love seeing my happy duo navigating the big city! I will have Gail as my wing woman any day! At some point we will all experience the clueless keyless zone, I chuckled when my brainy son had the moment not long ago.
    So excited to travel with you via this groovy blog. Hugs and Kisses

  8. You had me laughing about the keyless entry and trying to get out of the airport parking lot :-D

    Have a wonderful time at Market !!!!!!


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