Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Talent of the Pine Tree Quilters

Hello Everyone,
Yes, this is a quilt.  An incredible quilt.  Here is just a small sampling of the talent created by the Pine Tree Quilt Guild in Grass Valley, California.  Enjoy the show.

The hand holding back the leaves looked so real. 

I want to live in this house!

This quilt was made out of silk ties.

This quilt won the Viewer's Choice Award.  I wish I had taken a picture of the maker next to her self portrait.  It is an amazing likeness. 

It was quite a show of talent, color, creativity and eye candy.

Here's my week so far.  Accounting for the show finished....check.  All props, quilts, patterns and books stored away.....check. Quilts mailed to fabric companies for display at Quilt Market....check. Pine needles raked.....check.  

Now today, tomorrow, and Friday I will be hunkering down and writing a pattern for Heritage and finishing up the BOM directions for Butterscotch Baskets.  It sounds like it's going to be a stormy week up here in the Sierras.  Perfect writing weather for the great American novel.....Heritage, and it isn't a work of fiction!



  1. Thank you for sharing these beautiful quilts. What a range of styles.
    I hope you enjoy the rest of your week and weekend ...and happy Mother's Day!

  2. Wow! Some beautiful quilts. There's a lot of time spent on them and a lot of "little" pieces...and very time consuming! Love the house with rocks and the rock wall....I could live in that one also. Wish I could have come to visit.

  3. My goodness, there are just so many wonderful, talented quilters out there! I sure wish I could have seen these quilts in person, but having you share your pictures are the next best thing. Thank you!

  4. Oh Lynn - look at all those wonderful quilts. So many different styles and SO much talent. Glad you are put away and can enjoy the rest of your time off (well - I guess it is time off) you still sound pretty busy to me. Happy Mothers Day....

  5. Hello Lynn,
    Thank you for sharing this pictures. I wish I could have been there to see this wonderful quilts.
    Hugs from Doris in Germany :o)

  6. Some more talented quilters! I need to rent the cabin out for a few days - We have a remodeling mess that I think will take another 2 weeks. Maybe a trip to Durant and the Casino will help me. Have fun at Market. Hoping you have had luck in writing your directions. I am late in posting a comment. UNFORESEEN REQUIREMENTS.


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