Saturday, May 14, 2016

.....and the Winner is.....

Hello Everyone,
I enjoyed reading the many comments about your Mothers.  The main theme was love, commitment to family, and a sense of joy passing on quilting and sewing to their daughters.

The winner of the Heritage pattern is................insert drum roll.......

The person that said this about her Mom,
My mother grew up in the WWII years and I think she felt that she missed out having fun those years. I think it was particularly hard for a Japanese American living in the USA. And she supported my sewing...bought me fabric and let me use her old Singer. I still have it and it is in excellent condition!   GALE 

Not my sister Gail but Gale.  Congratulations to you!

Normally we set up a photo shoot and have Mazey select the winner.  This time Mazey was demanding union doggie wages that were pretty steep, so I used a random number generator.  Basically I don't have the time to write everyone's name on a doggie cookie and set the stage for a contest.  It's coming down to the wire for Quilt Market, and I'm still working on my Schoolhouse presentation.  It is s-l-o-w-l-y coming together.

Thank you all for entering the contest.  I apologize for not responding to everyone personally.  Be assured that I read every single comment and email, and enjoyed hearing about your Mothers who raised "good people" and made this world a better place.

For those of you who didn't win the contest, the pattern is available HERE at In Between Stitches.  The quilt is on its way to Salt Lake City as we speak.  I'll be taking pictures of her at Market next week.  NEXT WEEK!!!  I can't believe it's finally here.



  1. Thumbs up for Gale!
    One little lady, goes to Market.
    This little lady stays home!
    ....waiting for all the pictures and stories!!!
    Have a great time Lynn!!!

  2. Congratulations, Gale! Your mother sounds incredible! And thank you, Lynn, for your generosity! Have yourself a great time at market! (Can't wait to see your pictures!!!)

  3. I told my husband as soon as this pattern was out I was ordering it no matter what. Thankfully since its my birthday it didn't take much arm twisting. I can't wait to get it!


Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I appreciate all comments, and I will try to reply to you.