Saturday, May 28, 2016

Memorial Day Weeked

Hello Everyone,
Some days are perfect, and yesterday was one of those days.  The girls and I went down to Snowflake Lake and they dove right in!  Kinsey made grotesque sounds that I've not heard come out of her mouth in the last 13 years as she came sputtering up out of the water.  They were freezing!  Maybe that's why no one else was brave enough to dive in.  Once they made it out to the raft and got warm in the sun, they didn't want to get back in the water.  Only the threat of darkness got them to dive in and swim to shore to the comfort and warmth of their beach towels.

The crisp mountain air, the chilly water, a pickup basketball game, ping pong, and lots of walking through the forest sent them to bed early as they were too tired to play board games.  (Grammy was tired too, but I wasn't about to admit it to them!)

Now I can add Lifeguard to the many hats that I wear.  Good luck with me saving anyone in peril!  In my defense, back in the day, I taught swimming lessons during the summer at the public pool in Paradise.  Also back in the day I had a figure that didn't mind parading around the pool.....and the whistle on the lanyard didn't cover up too much!

More family coming up today means more fun in the frigid water.  Maybe a board game or three and lots of time to cook outdoors.

Stay safe,


  1. I love the water - this looks like heaven away from home. Enjoy and Happy Memorial Day

  2. Hard to tell who is happier, you or the girls! You deserve it, Lynn! Maybe call in "well" this week and stay up there!


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