Friday, May 20, 2016

I Day in the Life of a Quilter

Hello Everyone,
What a day, what a wonderful day at Quilt Market.

Gail and I have been getting up early every morning and heading over to the Salt Palace for all of the festivities.  It's a massive convention center with unique construction.

First up yesterday was Butterscotch Baskets appearance during Deb Luttrell's talk about Blocks of the Month.  Deb is the owner of Stitchin' Heaven, the largest provider of BOM programs in the United States.  We attended her very informative 2-hour talk on how to run a successful BOM.  Maybe, just maybe they will offer my quilt on their website.  They made the request to RJR Fabrics to show the quilt during their session, so I'm hopeful.

Then it was my turn to speak in my Schoolhouse session.  My fear was no one would attend my session as I had some stiff competition during my time slot.  Not to worry, I had a nice group of people from all over the world attend my talk.  I must have said something right since I was approached by the largest distributor in Australia after my talk. My first shipment sails for Australia next week!

Then look who I run into.....Kim Diehl!!  What a sweet lady.  I told her about my Let's Make A Diehl class and she laughed.

Our exhibitor badges got us in to the exhibitor floor prior to today's opening.  Here was Karen Styles at her booth.  The pattern for the fabulous quilt behind me is now safely tucked away in my suitcase. Karen was delightful.

Then Gail and I went to Pam Buda's Schoolhouse session and I won a pincushion made by Pam!  Pam is a designer for Marcus Fabrics and she has a wonderful blog HERE.  I felt as though I had know Pam for years.  What a sweetheart and such a kind person.

I LOVED Pam's new block of the month.

Then dinner and off to Temple Square.  As you can see, a storm is blowing in.

We hit the music jackpot last night while we listened to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir rehearse.  They are preparing for Memorial Day, and sang patriotic songs paying tribute to all of the armed forces.  When they started singing God Bless the USA, I had to get out a tissue. It was an incredible evening topping off a terrific day.

While we were listening to the rehearsal, the storm clouds finally let loose of some rain.  We walked to a nearby station to catch our light transit train back to our hotel.  Nothing, I repeat nothing could dampen our spirits.

This morning we are having breakfast with the VP of Sales for Marcus Fabrics so I have to scoot.  Right after breakfast we will "walk the floor" for a couple of hours then we catch our plane home late this afternoon.

We've had a fabulous four days here in Salt Lake City.  It has been a very memorable, and possibly life changing experience.



  1. Injust forwarded this mornings Stitchin' Heaven email to you! Congratulations! You wish came true! Your purchased pattern is wonderful...kindred spirits, it looks like to me! I've ben drooling over Pam Buda's new BOM too, but can't decide which version I love best!

  2. Wow! You and Gail had a fantastic trip....can't wait to hear more about it on Tuesday...
    Safe travels home.

  3. Oh my golly, what a time you are having! I am enjoying reading about your escapades! I met Pam a few years back as she was one of the instructors for an Alaskan Quilting Cruise and yes, she is a doll! Lucky you to win the pincushion! Congrats on all those orders...they know a good thing! Give my best to Gail too!

  4. For cryin' out loud, Lynn - Australia!!!!!!!
    And Stitchin' Heaven recognition to boot.....

  5. Wow - sounds like an amazing trip for you. Glad everything has gone so well. How wonderful to be able to hear the choir!

  6. Sounds like a very successful Market trip for you. I am glad..

  7. Oh Lynn - this is all just so exciting for you. It sounds like a perfect 4 days. Wish we could all have been trailing around behind you. I truly am living vicariously through you. I think I am as excited for you as you are. Looking forward to hearing more about this fabulous trip. Love to you both.

  8. Your trip yo Market could not have been more charmed, Lynn! His exciting that your designs will be travelling to the land down under! Maybe you'll even get to travel there! Tell Mr. Joe to start working on that Aussie accent! Happy Travels home!

  9. Yesterday I checked out the Quilt Market web site and was so impressed with the list of SS presenters. So many names I recognized (including yours), and now you are meeting them and working with them too! I am awestruck from afar - Congratulations for the recognition of your wonderful quilts!

  10. We'll Miss Lynn, now that you are playing with the big "girls"... What a wonderful opportunity and it could not happen to a nicer person. I received my Heritage pattern yesterday and just had time to look it over. I tell you Lady - you are right at the top of the ladder with Lynette Jensen for writing patterns!!!!!!!!!!! I never worry about what problems I might run into in making a quilt from a pattern - not when it is from Lynn!!!!! Australia and I bet Stitchin Heaven will put this one in their BOM! So happy and proud of you - it is great to see someone with your talent have doors open to you!
    I would have loved to hear the Mormon Tabernacle Choir! I have heard them in the DC area when I lived there - absolutely God sent voices!

  11. Sounds soo exciting! You deserve all the fun a quilter can get. So happy for you and your sister to share the experience. I love Kim Diehl and Pam Buda, wish I could meet them! Have a great time!

  12. I KNEW you would do well in your Schoolhouse presentation!!! I'm so happy that so many wonderful things have happened!! Don't you wish you could tuck yourself into one of your patterns and slip into Australia with them?!! Kim Diehl is a wonderful person (I got to take a class of hers about 8 yrs ago).And breakfast with the VP of sales for Marcus? Hmmm.... whatever comes of that, I'm sure we won't find out the details for many months! :-) And you made me teary-eyed when you spoke of how wonderful the Tab. Choir rehearsal was. I'm so glad it was a wonderful experience for you in SLC!! big hugs to you and Gail!!

  13. WOW!!!!!!!! Sew excited for you :0)

  14. Lynn and Gail: Ditto on all of the above! I have been following Market on Fatquarter Shop's blog and love Pam Bida's quilt! What a treat to meet Kim Diehl. See you soon.

  15. Sounds like it's been a 'pinch me' kind of trip - you go girl!


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