Monday, May 9, 2016

Back to Lucy Boston

Hello Everyone,
This is what I've been working on at the end of the day when I sit own after dinner and put my feet up.  I find working on an intricate Lucy Boston block is just the ticket for relaxation.  Stitch by stitch it comes together to form this kaleidoscopic look.
This block started out from only two fabrics from The Old Sturbridge Village Anniversary Collection by Judie Rothermel for Marcus Fabrics.

 Fussy cutting adds so much to the detail in the block.

Thank you all for your wonderful comments about your Mothers.  There seems to be a common thread of strength, determination, ability to create, and love, running through the comments.  Don't forget to  leave a comment on my post yesterday to be entered in the contest to win a Heritage pattern.  The contest ends this Friday the 13th.

Busy weekend here with lots of running around to baseball, and softball games.  Dinner with the kids.  Pattern writing, printing, and lots of computer work to get ready for Quilt Market.  This week I'll be concentrating on pulling my Butterscotch Baskets presentation together for the School House session.  When I return home from Market, I'm going to sleep for an entire week.  Well that's not going to happen, but I am going to get back to my sewing machine which has been gathering dust.




  1. Wow ! you are such an invisionary ! Gorgeous !

  2. Such fantastic results from fussy cutting!

  3. The Lucy Boston block turned out beautifully, Lynn. The fabric is gorgeous and the fussy cutting is perfect!

  4. Beautiful block and fabric. What size is the block? Will this be a planned or scrappy quilt? Where can I find the pattern? How much fabric per block? Is the background fabric also from the same line?

  5. Beautiful block Lynn. Good luck with all the prep for Market!! Hugs, H

  6. the block is beautiful. getting back home to sew and refuel sounds like the right thing for you after all this whirlwind of activity.

  7. Oh my....blown awat by this obe, Lynn! I know I need to add to my big print stash now!

  8. Amazing quilt block !! GORGEOUS!!

  9. Love your fussy cutting of your fabrics. a totally different and amazing block. Happy Stitching.

  10. Hi, dear! I live in the South of Brazil and I just love your work!!! Thanks for sharing those beauty!

  11. This is one of the most beautiful blocks of Lucy Boston I have ever seen. What creativity and what an eye for fussy cutting!

  12. esta simplesmente fabuloso.
    onde se pode comprar os tecidos?

  13. do you have the patterns and paperfor the english paperpiecing the very intricate ones i have seen on facebook


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