Sunday, November 30, 2014

It's That Time Again

Hello Everyone,
Didn't we just put all of the Christmas boxes away?  Is it really time to get them out again?  The days and months are flying by at an alarming rate.  I judge the seasons by when we have to put the deck furniture away and drag out the Christmas boxes.
Yesterday, I cleaned out the under-the-stairs-closet, and ended up taking two big boxes of coats and things we haven't used in the past 30 years to Goodwill.  I can actually see inside the closet now! While I was cleaning and sorting inside, Mr. Joe was doing the same in the garage.  What was in our turkey dinner that gave us both the cleaning/organizing bug?  Whatever it was, I need to attack every closet and drawer in this house.....but not this week.
I have my little Mittens With Moxie hanging on the tree.  They will stay on the tree until Christmas day, then they become silverware holders and place cards on the dining room table.

It takes me three days to put all of the Fall decorations away and get everything out and arranged for Christmas.  This is day three and I'm pooped!  This year I put my green and red Madrigal around the bottom of the tree.  This gives me a idea to make a Christmas Tree skirt with a scalloped border.  Am I the only quilter out there that doesn't own a Christmas Tree skirt?  I usually just wrap a quilt around the bottom of the tree.

We've been enjoying some gentle rain here in California.....days of gentle rain.  This doesn't make a dent in our drought, but it has been so enjoyable to see it, smell it, and take Mazey for walks in it, then clean up the muddy paws on the kitchen floor.  The muddy paw prints are welcome sight after so many months without rain.

Enjoy your Sunday and create a little Christmas magic in your home.....or you can clean out a closet!



  1. What a great idea using a quilt for a tree skirt. Doing the same thing here . All the fall decorations are put away and day 2 decorating for Christmas . The rain has been wonderful ! It is not raining right now so I think I will go and decorate my front porch ;-)

  2. I can just imagine how warm and cozy your house - and the cabin - must be this time of year, Lynn! Quilts are the best decoration, aren't they! Since our girls will surely use a Christmas tree as an Olympics for Cats category, I repurposed my tree skirt as a table topper - perfect!

  3. We are on day two!! And sorry but you aren't the only one without a quilted tree skirt. We have put up two trees since moving to our new house, and neither of them have a quilted tree skirt. The newer one is wrapped in pretty gold fabric and the other has the same tree skirt I made the first year I was married.
    Now to get back to the decorating ;-)

  4. You're not the only one without a tree skirt Lynn,,,love your idea of wrapping a quilt around the base.

  5. Reading about how long it takes to decorate for Christmas, I'm so glad I am a minimalist. 3 hours is more like it in our house, not 3 days.

  6. I'm on day 4 but today is just the "putting away the boxes" stage! I just couldn't face that last night. I am lucky enough to have a beautiful tree skirt that Lynn made years ago! I no longer have a problem with the kitties. They are old enough now to enjoy "admiring" the tree from underneath instead of using all those ornaments as "punching bags" and "roll around the floor" play toys!

  7. Hello Lynn,
    don't worry, you are NOT the only one with noch X-Mas tree skirt. I still didn't make one for ourself either *lol*
    Enjoy the season and Happy Cleaning,too. :o) Doris

  8. It has pouring down rain in Twain Harte for 2 days and I have to go outside to get Christmas out.....trying takes me about 3 days also because I get I do a little each day....getting old is the pits....LOL I have to carry everything up 16 stairs....very tiring at my age....


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