Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Christmas in July

Hello Everyone,

I'm wearing my Madam Ambassador hat today for Henry Glass & Co.  A box of  "Snow Bird" by Barb Tourtillotte arrived the other day. The box of 2-ply flannel arrived on a 90 degree day here in the mountains.

When a box arrives from Henry Glass, I have to study the fabrics for a few days before I dig in.

There is a panel in the line which I will probably incorporate on the back.  That way the quilt almost becomes reversible.

I'm probably breaking all of the rules when it comes to flannel.  You know me, I like smaller pieces, but flannel doesn't like smaller pieces, so out comes the can of spray starch.  I cut quite a few 1-1/4" strips for starters.  I put all of the strips on my Strip 'n Sew that Mr. Joe made for me.  It is perfect to have all of my strips on display and I can instantly see what strips I have and what strips I need to cut.

I cut some 4" center hexagons, and made a couple of test blocks.  I discovered that my blocks are a tad smaller than they should be because of the fact that it's flannel, and I have a lot of seams.  I'm just going to go with the flow, and live with the smaller blocks.

I'm making my "Heartfire" pattern which I've made so many times I think I could make it in my sleep.  Here it is in French General fabric.  This pattern is perfect to showcase an image in the center of the block.

To wrap my head around Christmas, I played Christmas music in my sewing room.   The window was wide open and I'm sure anyone walking by probably thought I was nuts. In my defense, it was a warm day, and we don't have air conditioning at the cabin.

Over the past couple of days I've received emails from readers saying my blog page doesn't load correctly.  Blogger is rolling out a new version, and they would like all of us to migrate over to it.  I'm creating this post in the new interface.  Just like everything else in life, you just have to adjust to change.  I haven't found the new interface to be very user friendly.  I have to keep searching for the tools that were so handy before.  The new interface is supposed to be better to view blogs on tablets and smartphones.  But what about us, the blog authors?  Blogger is soliciting feedback.  They are going to get an earful.  

If you ever have trouble with the entire posts loading, scroll all the way to the bottom of the blog. On the left-hand side you will see a box where you can enter your email.  If you subscribe via email, every post will be sent to you.  I never see your email address.  It will go to the great blogger in the sky.

With the cases of the virus going up in my county, Mr. Joe and I are back to shelter in place.  Our only outings are to the grocery store and post office.  Life couldn't get much more exciting!

Madam Ambassador


  1. Let's see how easy it is to leave a comment. I'm with you,Lynn. It's a bit early for flannel Christmas but I do have multiple projects that are required for gifts so I might as well get busy. Thanks for the motivation! And it goes without saying....Adorable!

    1. Thank you for commenting Lynn. The way this year is going, it will be Christmas before we know it. I'm going to be ready early this year!

  2. I'm a bit nutty about snowmen and the ones on that fabric collection are adorable. I'm with you, the "improvements" to Blogger are not improvements for the blog author. I'm finding it difficult to get my photos in the right position; they keep clumping at the end of the post.

    1. Yes, these snowmen are cute. I don't care for the new Blogger at all. It is so hard to find all of my favorite buttons. Stay well.

  3. glad to hear you are taking care - we are here in Arkansas too - nothing other than groceries and medical stuff. I did get my hair cut yesterday and asked for an appointment for when they first opened and it was just me and the one cutting my hair and felt safe - hand sanitizers all over - one by the door, by the register, at her station - I used it numerous times and didn't touch anything except to pay and left my purse locked in the car! love the snowmen

    1. I have very short hair, so my first haircut after four months was heavenly. I was beginning to look like my mother. Which isn't a bad thing.....just not me. I had Farah Fawcett "wings". I'll bet your heart sank when you realized your purse was in the car. Too many other things to think about.

  4. What a cool strip holders!! Is Mr. Joe making these as a business? I imagine SEW many quilters would want them.

    1. He's made quite a few of them, but not for awhile. I think he burned out on the process and too many requests for them. Thank you for asking.


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