Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Crossing the Pond

Ahoy Mateys,

I've been blown off course over the past couple of weeks, and finally had a chance to get back to my new "Crossing the Pond" pattern.

I'll be adding my latest block to the design wall this week. It is so gratifying to watch the quilt come together.  Today I'll make more sashing sections, and watch the quilt grow.

Thank you all for your orders in my Etsy shop for my "Leaf Peeper" quilt pattern.  You've been keeping me very busy filling orders!  If I had another few hours in each day, I would like to make a "Leaf Peepers" in batik. 

Time for me to start my day and set sail into my sewing room.



  1. Merci de revenir à ton "Crossing the pond", je l'aime tellement. Mais, à vrai dire, j'aime tes ouvrages et je ne pourrais en choisir un en particulier. Tu émerveilles mes yeux...
    Prends soin de toi et surtout sois prudente.
    Belle journée.

    1. Tu es si gentille Monique. Merci pour vos aimables paroles. Tu prends soin aussi. La pandémie est hors de contrôle ici aux États-Unis, et dans mon état. Nous restons à la maison la plupart du temps pour être en sécurité.


Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I appreciate all comments, and I will try to reply to you.