Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happy 4th of July

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all have a very happy 4th of July.  Let's all celebrate, and look forward to a brighter future for our country.

Zinnie's Choice

We will spend a quiet evening social distancing with another couple on our deck.  The 4th of July fireworks always worry me up here in the mountains.  Fireworks are banned, but that means absolutely nothing to so many.

Don't forget this is the last day of my 20% off sale on my Etsy site.  Click HERE to go to the sale.

I have been very busy working on my "Crossing the Pond" quilt.  I'll post my progress tomorrow.  I'm enjoying every minute of working on this quilt.



  1. Happy 4th to you all, Lynn... I hope the fireworks are at a bare minimum. Looking forward to seeing your progress on "Crossing the Pond" <3 <3 <3

  2. Je te souhaite une joyeuse Fête Nationale.
    Les feux d'artifice c'est comme en Belgique, il faut une autorisation mais beaucoup s'en passent.

  3. Happy 4th of July. I hope you have a wonderful day. We had our town fireworks last night as they were rained out on Canada Day (July 1)


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