Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Leaf Peepers

Hello Everyone,

Leaf Peepers is waiting to go under the needle and be machine quilted.  The quilt is draped over an antique sled which makes the perfect prop for displaying my quilts.

I think I will do a simple cross-hatch in the borders.  I'm under the gun time wise with this one. Don't ask me what I'm going to quilt in the interior of the quilt.  I'm still waiting to get a "spark" of inspiration.  Hopefully it comes to me soon. Maybe I need to go walk around the block and clear my over-crowded brain.

I just finished writing the pattern this morning.  The fabric requirement calculations are done.  Now I need to make the backing and load it on the long arm.  I do love this quilt and look forward to displaying it in the cabin this Fall.



  1. I do love these leaves - I hope you've had success coming up with a quilting plan!

    1. I'm still formulating my plan. No grand inspiration yet.

  2. Be careful of the bears when you are out walking around the block! Can't wait to see this when it's all quilted. Love it! HUGS... and stitches

    1. We decided to walk around the track instead. We have only seen one bear there in the last few years. I guess they don't like to jog!

  3. Lynn, Another winner!! Both the pattern and the fabric choices are spot on! Odd to think I'm so ready for fall, but I'm hoping things might be better by then. Keep on Quilting, Sharon McD

    1. I'm hoping so too Sharon. We are basically back to sheltering in place again. The cases are shooting up in our county. I'll just keep on quilting!

  4. Morning Lynn! The fabric choices are perfect for this quilt! Looks like there's 42 leaves, better then the 120 baskets. Your mind will clear and you will have another completed masterpiece! Have fun and watch for bears that want longarm lessons...LOL!

    1. 46 is you count the corners! But who's counting??

    2. Ah yes, I forgot the corners!

  5. Lovely quilt .... AGAIN! Love the plaid alternate blocks!

  6. That plaid is pretty perfect for this quilt!


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