Saturday, July 18, 2020

Machine Quilting Leaf Peepers

Hello Everyone,

Well, she's off the long arm and ready for binding.....not.

I figured out my traveling pattern around the quilt pretty quickly.  My traveling pattern means not too much stopping and starting.

You can see by the backside that it is fairly dense quilting.

But then I saw this on the back of the quilt.  I had a row of leaves where the tension was off.  I can't repeat what I said when I saw this.  You would be very disappointed in my use of profanity.  It took me maybe 30 minutes to stipple a row of leaves.  It took me about 3 hours to pick out that same row of stippling.  The good new is the stippling was so loose, it came out fairly easily.  I think this issue happened when I changed the bobbin.  I'm constantly checking the back of the quilt to make sure this doesn't happen, but I guess I need to check more often.

I'll put the finishing touches on the pattern, and get it ready for release this week.

I posted earlier in the week about my battle with Instagram and the hackers.  I found out once they deactivate you, that's it.  There's no going back to recover over 300 pictures and a couple of thousand followers.  Perhaps if I hadn't used the "castration" word when I was dealing with the hackers, my account would have been restored back to normal.  Insert grimace face here expressing mocking amusement.

So to make a long story, and many hours of frustration dealing with Instagram, I started a brand new account.  If you want to follow me on Instagram, my new account name is:  sewnwildoaksdesigns
I was not allowed to use my old account name.  I'm hearing more and more stories of the exact same thing happening to other people.  It is particularly bad when it is your brand name, and my identity in the quilting world.

I hope you all have a great productive and fun weekend. 




  1. Been there, done that, Lynn! It’s a good thing Mr. Squash is hard of hearing or there might have been even more dire consequences! The quilting is just glorious and perfect for Leaf Peepers! I’m so sorry about your Instagram account, but I’m sure your new account will be up to speed in no time!

  2. I was just able to access your old IG account... Maybe go in and have a look.

  3. Oh, sorry! That was the hashtag. But at least you could get your pictures from there.

    1. Luckily I have all of my pictures on my computer, but my body of work isn't showing up on my account.

  4. oh, what a bad week!! Sorry about the Instagram mess, and the stippeling mess!! So aggravating!! I hope this week turns out MUCH better!! Nothing like unpicking machine quilting!!! :-( Hugs, H

    1. In the grand scheme of life, it really wasn't so bad....just frustrating.

  5. It is very annoying when this happens! I love how you chose to quilt this and I love the quilt. Anything made with Kim Diehl fabrics get me, but your design suits them so well. Love your feather border!!!

    1. Thank you for your comment Suzanne! I love Kim Diehl's fabrics too.

  6. This quilt is just gorgeous! I love those leaves! So sorry for your tension trouble. If that had happened to me you would have heard my "comments" all the way across the country! Sorry for your Instagram problems too. I have to allow myself some time to learn how to use it.

    1. Thank you Wendy! Instagram is pretty easy once you get set up.


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