Monday, July 13, 2020

Crossing The Pond

Ahoy Mateys,

I've been holding up in my sewing room and working on "Crossing the Pond" to stay cool and beat the heat.  Here is an image of the components I made for the 10" block, and attached them to my block layout sheet.

This is an image of the alternate block that is part of the design.  I love working with the "Journey to America" fabrics by Judie Rothermel for Marcus Fabrics. They are all so gorgeous, rich is color and a nice variety of scale.

This is on my design wall today. I still have many more blocks to make to complete the layout.  As I get parts and pieces completed, I put them up on the design wall, and decide what colors I need to add, and where they need to go.  The sashing is an extension of the block, so I can't stitch anything together until I decide on the final layout.

Your nautical term for today is, "Let go and haul", which is an order indicating that the ship is now on the desired course relative to the wind.  It has been so hot here in the mountains, that I've been enjoying the time in my sewing room under the ceiling fan.  Occasionally, I'll find a stray component blown off course, and on the floor.  I feel the wind filling my sails, and all I want to do is work on this new design.

I hope you all have a great week, and I'm wishing you full speed ahead  on all of your projects.



  1. Ahoy, matey! If I had to pick a north star to guide my sail, it couldn’t be any prettier than these, Lynn! Love the alternate’s beginning to look very nautical!

  2. Oh Lynn...there is so much controlled movement in your blocks placed together. It's like the wind really is blowing!! I love it.

    1. I'm in control??? That's a first. I'm so glad you like it Paula.

  3. J'aime beaucoup ton ouvrage tel que tu le présentes aujourd'hui. Si je devais le faire, je n'irais pas plus loin car j'ai décidé de ne plus faire de grands quilts.
    Je confirme que j'aime beaucoup tes tissus. Dis-moi où je peux trouver les tissus (Etsy ?). Quant aux blocs je suppose que je trouverai les explication dans tes articles.
    Merci Lynn pour toutes les jolies choses que tu partages avec nous.

    1. Chère Monique, je suis si contente que tu aimes la courtepointe. Il va être beaucoup plus grand pour s’adapter à un lit queen. Quilters peut décider s’ils veulent faire une version plus petite. Les tissus ne sont pas encore sortis, mais ils devraient être disponibles à la vente bientôt. Prends soin, Lynn.

  4. Absolutely beautiful with the color variations and choices! Beautiful fabrics too. I'm clearing out items that don't need to be in our little home at this time so I can take them to my cargo container for long term storage. Getting better organized along the way as I'm still searching for my bin of large tumbler blocks, most already sewn together. I want to get this to a finish... if I can find it!

    1. Isn't if frustrating when you know you have something and can't find it. I'm still looking for a single block to finish off an old quilt. Good luck in your search.

  5. You have really made hay while things are closed down Lynn! This will be another beauty! Hugs


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