Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Leaf Peepers Pattern Is Available Now

Hello Everyone,

I put the finishing touches on the pattern cover yesterday and my Leaf Peepers pattern is now ready for prime time.

I guess I shouldn't wish my life away, but I'm looking forward to Autumn.  Maybe it's positive thinking that the current situation our country is in will get better.  I'm ready to sit back and enjoy a pumpkin spice latte!

Click HERE if you are interested in purchasing a pattern.

I hope you have a great Sunday.  

Stay well,


  1. I look forward to autumn for the cooler temperatures and easier to do yard work in those temps - but I'm dreading winter if we are still mainly at home.

    1. Last year our winter was an easy one without a lot of snow. Who knows what will be coming our way this year. Cabin fever does set in after a few days of really stormy weather.

  2. "Another little chore done!" Good for you, my friend. My order is on it's way. Otherwise, all is well in my world.

    1. Thank you so much for your order Fran. Your pattern will ship today, Monday July 27th.

  3. Your quilting is wonderful Lynn. Thankyou for showing us all the stages in sewing this beautiful quilt. It is just gorgeous.

  4. The pattern is gorgeous and the quilting on it exquisite! Great job!

    1. Thank you Susie. This was a fun quilt to make.


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