Thursday, July 23, 2020

Snow Days Quilt Continued

Hello Everyone,

I put the foot pedal to the metal yesterday and finished off the borders on this quilt.

I have only one yard of the snowman fabric for the borders, so my borders are pretty narrow.  I had exactly 1" of fabric leftover.  That was cutting it a little close!  The finished size of this flannel quilt is 60" x 70".  It is going to keep me nice and toasty when I'm curled up by the fire this Winter.

This is the panel section cut up and put into the middle of my design.  The fabric is called "Snow Day" by Barb Tourtillotte for Henry Glass Fabrics and it is shipping to stores now.

Every quilt I make has its picture taken on the antique sled.  This Christmas quilt on a sled is perfect.

I have to scoot and get ready for company today.  Since we will be outside, social distancing on the deck, I do hope it's not too hot.



  1. Congratulations on a fun finish for Henry Glass, designer Barbara Tourtillotte & your Heartfire pattern, Lynn!!

  2. It turned out wonderful, Lynn- and Mr. Joe's suggestion was the finishing touch - brilliant!

    1. Yes, occasionally he will have a flash of brilliance! FYI, I'm wearing the apron you made for me right now while preparing dinner for our friends. I love my apron Candace.

    2. Hope you had a wonderful visit and it makes me so happy you love the apron!

  3. what a cute way to use pillow panels for a quilt!


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