Here we are at the end of month #4 and block #5 will be shipping out to you next week. Where does the time go?
I've been busy working on our shop quilt for the March Madness Shop Hop that starts next week. If you are participating in the shop hop, please stop by and take a look at the quilt. Here's the link to the website I'm down to the wire today and all I have to do is sew on the binding and hanging sleeve.
Now, back to Miss Daphne. Didn't you just fall in love with the basket fabric? It's so sweet and really fit in with overall the theme of the quilt. Here are the border flowers that you will be completing this month.
Please note that there are four large pink flowers in the border. We are only completing two of them this month.
The second flower include pieces A67 through A74. Don't forget to make a reverse.
I've been asked a time or two how I get so much quilting done? Here's the answer, I quilt everyday even if it's only for 10 minutes. All of the minutes add up to hours and the hours add up to a finished quilt. Sometimes we get snowed in and what better way to pass the time? I get a lot done until the power goes out and I've discovered that I can't applique by candlelight. I tried it once and ended up ripping out all my stitches when I saw it in natural light the next morning.
It's a little difficult to get out of this door without shoveling about 35" of snow.
There's a woodpile someplace under here. ...really!
Until next week.....
As always,