Hello Everyone,
It feels so good to be home and get back to designing, holding a needle, and working on
Toyland Tree. My applique, oh how I've missed you! Unrealistic person that I am, I took my applique with me to Paradise last week thinking that I would sit down in the evening and work on it....not a chance. We were barely able to stay awake 'til 9pm we were so exhausted cleaning and packing up a lifetime.

Most of you know that my passion is applique. I'm the queen of fat quarters since I need such small amounts of fabric. So, I searched through my fabric cupboards, closets, drawers and bins, and gathered every piece of fabric I thought I might use for this quilt and put it out on the guest room bed. It's a good thing we don't have any guests using this room in the near future since it is now decorated for Christmas! I love the look of all the plaids, checks and stripes combined...so fun on my little Jack. (You'll be able to see his smile better after the embroidery is done.)

One of the things I enjoy so much about quilting is selecting the fabric for a quilt. Finding just the right fabric is so much fun...like the fabric for Jack's body....perfect! I used to be terrified and didn't trust my own fabric selection judgement and only bought kits. Now I have a closet full of kits. Slowly I'm disassembling the kits and incorporating the fabric into my stash.
If you don't do it already, trust your own judgement when selecting fabrics. Don't worry whether it is right or wrong....just go for it! You know what you like and what looks good.

Speaking of looking good, what do you out there in blogland think I should put on the front of Jack's box? Should I put a "J" for Jack or my grandson Jess. Bells? Stars? I'd love to hear some of your ideas.
As always,