Dear Blossom of Friendship Quilters,
Welcome to the New Year and let's begin by introducing you to Miss Ginny. She's a charming block with three little yo-yo's that gives it some added depth. I used a "large" yo-yo maker to make mine. I like the fact that all of the raw edges are completely contained and hidden in the center of the yo-yo. The colorful iris will have you thinking "Spring" as you work on your block.
After Christmas my husband and I spent some time in the mountains at our cabin. As you can see by the picture, I'm working on beautiful bouquets of flowers while surrounded by 2-1/2 feet of snow. I kept thinking that I needed to do some shoveling...NOT. The snow was so pretty to look at and I was cozy and warm inside with a mug of hot chocolate. Quilting and chocolate.....life doesn't get much better than that!
Here's a sneak peek at Miss Poppy. You'll be meeting her next summer. The main part of her basket is from the Gypsy Rose collection by Fig Tree Quilts. http://www.figtreequilts.com/ This new fabric collection works in beautifully with the rest of the blocks and you'll be seeing it soon in your monthly shipments of gorgeous fabrics.
The pink binder that I'm using to keep myself organized looks totally unorganized.....but trust me, I know where everything is. I also have another binder just for the border flowers.
Have a beautiful New Year my quilting friends. I resolve to make quilted gifts throughout the whole year and have a nice little stockpile of treasures established by Christmas 2009. I may even post some pictures of gift ideas to make me stick with my resolution.
As always,