Sunday, June 7, 2020

Machine Quilting

Hello Everyone,

I'm almost done with machine quilting Christmas Ribbons. I'm down to the bottom row, so there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm quilting circles in each of the 36 sashing areas.  The circles are taking me FOREVER!  After quilting for several hours, I'm seeing polka dots before my eyes.  I can't wait to get this quilt off of the frame so I can see the overall look.  The throat space on my long arm is only 16", so I'm constantly rolling the quilt back and forth to quilt an entire block.  The 10" block is on point, so that takes up much more room in the quilting area.

I've been at the machine for only about four hours a day.  During the rest of the time, I'm pattern writing or piecing, or doing all of the daily chores around the house, filling Etsy orders, and working on accounting.  There is always something that needs to be done.

Today, I really need to spend some time cleaning my sewing room.  Overtime, it just gets to be so unorganized that I can't stand it.  I'm at that point where I need to stop creating, and start cleaning, so I can continue to create in a more organized environment.  So, if I don't get this quilt finished soon, it means that I have a very tidy sewing room.



  1. Your quilting looks lovely: the curved cross-hatching is just beautiful! Hugs, H

    1. Thanks Helen. I hope you are doing well.

  2. Beautiful quilting. One time I did pebbles on a quilt and I thought I would never finish! It's quite an accomplishment to do that much work on your quilts.

    1. I completely agree. Pebbles take a long, long time to quilt.

  3. Yes, that curved cross-hatching is beautiful. Any more bear sightings?

    1. Thank you. No bear sightings for about a week now. Maybe they've headed up to the high country.

  4. Good for you to tidy up your sewing space. I've been wanting to do that too but I end up just looking past it and sewing anyway! Maybe when you're done you'll share pictures and inspire me to do the same. Don't bet on it though! Lol!

    1. I should take before and after pictures. But on the other hand, I'd be too embarrassed to show you the before!


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