Monday, January 2, 2023

The Atmospheric River

Hello Everyone,

I wish I could show you what I'm working on......but I can't reveal anything for a month or two.  So, I'm going to show you one of my favorite blocks that I made with fabric from the Madison Square line designed by Paula Barnes for Marcus Fabrics.

If you've been listening to the news, you know that California has been under a firehose for the past few days, or it seems like a week, and there is more on the way in the form of snow tonight then rain and snow for the rest of the week, which makes for perfect quilting weather.

Earlier in the week, our gutters, which we thought were clean, overflowed and created a waterfall between two logs in my sewing room.  I've been dealing with a mess and had to move a lot of things out into the guest room.  On a positive note, it made me do some cleaning that I wasn't planning on doing.  We brought in heaters and fans, and all is well and I'm back in business working on my block of the month for Marcus Fabrics.  It has been so much fun working with my very own fabric line.  I can't wait to show you!

Living in a small mountain resort community brings several challenges other than the weather.....and that other challenge is the 'flat landers' who descend on our little town to experience the peace and tranquility which we enjoy on a daily basis.  

Unfortunately, the flat landers do not bring their food with them.  We know that we have to go to the store a couple of days before any holiday, so last Thursday we headed off with shopping list in hand to Big Trees Market.  I always plan our menus for the week and try to stick to my list. The price of food is astronomical, and I do not know how our kids can afford to feed growing families.  Anyway, we found almost everything on our list except for eggs.  I couldn't make my milk chocolate pound cake without eggs, so we drove 15 miles to another town in search of eggs.  Success!

Apparently, there is an egg shortage due to avian flu.  We thought the chickens in our area had extra tight 'pucker strings' and were reluctant to let go of their eggs!

Yesterday, someone posted the following pictures of our little market.  The first picture shows the potato chip aisle.

Prepared pasta and deli section.

There isn't much cheese left to put on the pasta!

We have to go to the store for milk today.... hopefully the cows aren't being stingy with their milk like those pesky chickens and their eggs!



  1. Happy New Year Lynn, Mr Joe and Mazey! Wow! Those store shelves are amazing! Stay safe and quilt as long as you have power!

    1. The generator is my secret quilting tool! Happy New Year to you too, Jeanne.

  2. Seeing those empty shelves makes every sore back from lugging jam-packed ice chests and over-filled grocery bags from the flatland absolutely worth it!
    I'm glad to hear you had no damage from the "waterfall" in your sewing room. Quilt on!!!

  3. So sorry to hear about the water incident! Lots of water damage around everywhere. The store situation is a worry especially for the full time residents! Be safe and warm. Happy quilting. Can’t wait to see your fabric line♥️🪡🧵

    1. Water can be so destructive! We are preparing for a milder 'round two' set to arrive tomorrow.

  4. Bonita Edwards, S. Texas & NE TennesseeJanuary 2, 2023 at 6:29 PM

    You showed us one of your favorite blocks, which fabric line; what is the name of the block & where can I get a pattern? Thank you!

    1. In my post I said the fabric line is called Madison Square by Paula Barnes for Marcus Fabrics. That block is in my 'Crossing the Pond' pattern.

  5. Some of our stores in Portland Oregon look like that too. I'm not sure if it's food shortages or just no employees to order and restock.

  6. We have been very lucky that our little grocery has been well stocked thru many times others are bare, We went from sub zero weather to the 50's in a matter of days. Luckily we didn't get what dumped on Buffalo NY, but what snow we had is gone.

  7. Reading your post about living in a "tourist" area where the flatlanders come to spend their holidays felt like you were living next door to me in the SoCal mountains with four seasons. I stocked up the Wednesday before Christmas and haven't been to our grocery store since. Only out and about has been twice to pick up the mail at our post office. Might venture out tomorrow as rumor is the flatlanders have left the mountain. :))

  8. P. S. Our whole house generator has been the best investment ever!

  9. I have seen on the news about the flooding. Your stores look like ours when a hurricane is coming. Best to be ahead of the game. Hope you are safe and well. Wishing you and Joe a Happy New Year.

  10. My son is in Denver and they have no eggs at egg desert!! No issues in Dallas-Ft Worth area except that they've gotten more expensive. That massive rain river is scary. We've been pretty darned dry the past month.


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