Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Stardance Is Almost a Wrap

 Hello Everyone,

It' has been a whirlwind of fun activities over the past few days. Between all of the fun, I was able to get Stardance together.  I have to get this finished before my retreat at the end of April.

We headed down out of the mountains to the SF Bay Area to watch our grandson play in a high school lacrosse game Friday night.  Kade is #6.

We were the Home team and the score says it all.

The next day was our eldest son's 50th birthday party. (You know I was only 6 years old when he was born) 😉 

Just look at my hair!  It kept getting shorter with each child, it's a wonder I wasn't bald after the 3rd baby in 4 years.  What were we thinking?  I always called it 'sperm of the moment'!

Chuck has been an avid Alabama fan since he was a teenager, so we were all dressed as fans. Two years ago, he and his family flew back to Alabama to watch a game in person......one of those bucket list things.

Our son has kept in touch with many of his pre-school, elementary school, high school, and college friends who attended the party.  Our daughter was the 'little sister' to his good friends Cory and Tyler.  Secretly she had a high school crush on them and was delighted to finally be considered old enough to hang out with the 'boys' and not be teased to death. Our daughter's name is Caren, and she was always referred to as Care Bear by her brother's friends. 

Time goes by so quickly.  It seems as though it was such a short time ago that we were hugging a little baby and now we are looking up to a man.  Where have the 50 years gone?



Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I appreciate all comments, and I will try to reply to you.