Friday, March 18, 2016

International Quilting Weekend


Hello Everyone,
The good people over at The Quilt are offering great prizes this weekend in honor of International Quilting Weekend.  Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims are also giving you free access to all past shows from Series 1-17.  Click on the picture and it will take you to the contest.

Here are just a few of the other prizes.

Now you can watch my show for free!  Go to the show list and find show #1604 - Taking the Fear Out of Math for Quilters.  I have totally stopped cringing when I watch myself now.  Filming in front of so many cameras and people was a bit daunting to say the least.
My Math classes are available for free forever.  Go to the LEARN tab at the top of the page, and then go to classrooms.  All of my classes are there for many different quilting components.  If you go to the downloads for classes, I have many examples for free blocks.  I've already done the math, you just need to make the blocks.  Here's an example of some of the blocks.

There are many, many shows available for you to see.  I've you've always wondered about a technique, search the TQS website and it will be there.  Need to learn how to do a "Y"'s there!  Along with many other tips and techniques.

Go ahead, stay in your PJ's all weekend and watch TQS.  It's continuing your quilting education.
Good luck in the contest.



  1. I really enjoyed watching your math classes and hope to go back and watch again this weekend.

  2. Well THAT was easy!!!!!!!
    Have a great weekend and "Quilt On"!!!!!

  3. Lynn, thank you for sharing this information with us.

  4. What a great weekend I can have now. Watching you, and a few other people too and the chance of winning prizes.

  5. I watched your show. Really good and great information. I've saved the book title so I can keep an eye out for one and the quilt along pattern as well.


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