Saturday, March 5, 2016

Manteca Quilters Show

Hello Everyone,
Just a quick post to show you the Sew'n Wild Oaks booth at the Manteca Quilters show at the San Joaquin County Fairgrounds in Stockton, CA. this weekend, March 5th & 6th, 2016.

We started with this look at 11am and had the booth all pulled together by 1:30pm.  Thanks to the help of Mr. Joe and my sister Gail.

I LOVE pulling my booth together.  I LOVE having a blank canvas and turn it into a comfortable, attractive space that draws quilters in who want to just sit in the booth and soak it all in.

This booth was a little challenging because it is 16' deep and only 10' wide.  It is not a Double Wide Paradise like the Toby Keith song.  We ended up getting rid of two tables and opened up our space, so quilters would have more room to shop.

Having said that, our booth is a cute as a bugs ear!

While we were setting up, many of the guild members stopped by and showered us with compliments.

I bring my quilts, patterns and props from home. I pack up product from In Between Stitches which decorate the tables with "must have" items.  It's the perfect blend of quilting goodies.

 Mr. Joe made a bunch of Strip'n Sews, and ruler holders out of wine barrels.

Stop on by, and we'll leave the light on for you.



  1. The booth turned out great, and very inviting to wander through. Wish I could come by and visit....I will do it through your pictures! Have a great show and see you Tuesday.

  2. Oh boy, do I wish I lived closer! I would head into your booth and never leave! It looks wonderful. Have a very succesful show!

  3. Your booth just needs a warm fire..but I think that's you and Gail! Have a great time!
    Now, about those ruler holders??????

  4. I love your booth, you and Gail do it good! Wish I was close by, I see all sorts of yummy things :0) Has Mr. Joe entertained the thought of making the ruler holders to fit our longarm rulers? It would look beautiful on my side table next to my machine! Hugs to you and Gail, have a successful & fun weekend at the show!

  5. Now all was need are some comfy chairs...I don't miss the fireplace quilt so much now that you've added the warm glow of candles to the lantern! Travel Safe My Darlin's!

  6. Wow - I might never want to leave your warm and cozy booth! Does it come with hot chocolate and a Mazey at your feet? Mr. Joe has started something with those ruler holders! What a clever idea!!! Have fun and I'm sure sales will be off the charts!

  7. Your booth looks amazing as always :-D So inviting !!
    You really have a knack for decorating... your booth is PERFECT!!

  8. Would love to see your booth in person. Your quilts just say comfort to me.

  9. Oh my! Where can I get the pattern for the quilt with the house, pumpkin and picket fence? LOVE it!!!

  10. It does look so warm and inviting!! Beautiful booth with beautiful ladies in it! :-) Hugs, H

  11. Cute as a bug's ear indeed! I love seeing all your beautiful creations in the same space. Sounds like it was a great show for you.

  12. Looks so lovely and a very inviting booth. Love all the displays.

  13. Wow Lynn - it looks so beautiful. It stills takes my breath away when I see your beautiful quilts. A "ruler holder"? Have i missed something? Looks like my next purchase. That is a great idea and s much needed item. Thanks for sharing my friend. Have a good week.

  14. Lynn do you sell the strips n sew? Somehow I MISSED that one!


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