Friday, March 11, 2016

Old Sturbridge Village Anniversary Collection

Hello Everyone,

I was upstairs yesterday in my quilting room when I heard Mazie bark downstairs.  She doesn't bark very often, so I came downstairs to check it out.  An unmarked delivery truck was parked in front of our house. I flippantly said, "I'll bet he's bringing a box of fabric to me!"  Then the doorbell rang.  It was a box from Marcus Fabrics arriving out of the blue.

The box contained this wonderful collection of Old Sturbridge Village Anniversary Collection by Judie Rothermel.

Great border fabrics.  Great everything fabrics!  I need to sit and fondle this fabric for awhile and let the creative juices flow.  I will try not to drool.....promise.

First I have to finish everything I'm working of for Spring Quilt Market in Salt Lake City in May.  Two major quilts in three months has kept the sewing machine and me in overdrive. My goal is to finish both quilts this month.  Next month, I'm going to camp out in the machine quilting room and try to work some quilting magic. Large quilts take me forever to quilt.  Note to self: Next time design smaller quilts. 

On another note, our oldest granddaughter is in FFA (Future Farmers of America) in high school.  She is raising a pig to show and sell at the county fair in June.  I don't know how she is going to part with her cute little piggy....Kevin.  As in Kevin Bacon.  Too funny. 

Have a great weekend.  We'll be on the baseball and softball fields tomorrow watching the grandkids.....if the rain subsides. I'm taking the day off from quilting to share some enjoyable time with the family.  I'll be renewed and refreshed to start all over again next week.....unless I sneak into my sewing room and fondle fabric!



  1. So happy to see this line!! It's a beautiful place to visit, especially in the fall. I posted a picture of an OSV field to use as a focus when I was in labor and my living room is decorated with OSV fabric and wall paper...yes, wall paper.

  2. Oh my gosh! The fabric is just too pretty!! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
    Kevin Bacon.....HA! Just too funny!! Congratulations on your granddaughter joining FAA - great organization for kids!

  3. ooooo pretties! You're going to have to add on to the house if those delivery trucks keep pulling up!
    Glad you addressed Kevin's full name...I saw the pictures and he is cute! I wasn't thinking, and initially thought he might have been named for Kevin the Minion! As an old 4H/FFA Mom I should have known better! It's a proud day when you see your kiddo put on the blue jacket and look all professional and grown up...and the opportunities are endless!

  4. So glad to hear your family is involved in FFA and 4-H projects. FFA has been a strong heritage in my husband's family as he, his brother, father and uncle all received their American Farmer Degrees. My father-in-law was the first Kansas member to serve on the national FFA board in years gone by. We support FFA today through the local alumni group and local scholarships. I look forward to your new designs with this fabric shipment. I enjoy working on small quilts.

  5. The fabric is beautiful. I love it. What will it become, oh the suspense.....Good luck to your grand daughter and her piggy. I have seen many tears shed over the parting of FFA and 4-H projects from children of friends. My sons were always sports guys. Of course there are the ones who KEEP their projects. Just sayin'. Have a great weekend.

  6. that fabric is drool worthy!!! You are going to have some fun with that!! :-)Can't wait to see your creation with it! And with the rain we've had up here, I'd say that there will be no ball playing outside, but maybe it didn't rain as much down there. Paul has a rain gauge and it rained 4.5" in the last 24 hrs! Flood watches in our county. Stay dry!! Hugs, H

  7. Just found your blog this morning while surfing through Pintrest. Civil War reproductions are my wheel house. I am enthralled with the collection. OSV is one place on my bucket list. I was wondering how u got this sent to u by Marcus. Not knowing about you or your situation in quite as being new to the blog, I am imagining something along the lines as designer or testing for the company. If so, where does one sign up for that job. Looking forward to browsing your blog today.


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